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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

A Wireless, Reconfigurable, Multichannel Potentiostat for Wearable Electrochemical Biosensing Applications


Wearable chemical sensing technology shows promise as a convenient method for continuously and non-invasively monitoring physiological parameters via biochemical markers such as glucose, lactate, and alcohol. Measuring these biomarkers from easily accessible biological fluids (e.g. sweat, saliva, and interstitial fluid) can provide a more comprehensive view of one’s health and fitness compared to other biosensing techniques, such as motion sensing and electrophysiological signal recording. Extracting this physiochemical data in real-time is possible through wearable devices formed by integrating electrochemical biosensors with low power electronics. This thesis provides an overview of how these electronics are developed, presents a realized design, and demonstrates the design’s successful integration with a wearable sensor to create an electrochemical biosensing system.

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