Nebula Proposition
Nebula Proposition is a two player grid based strategy game. Both players choose their
units and one unit for each team is chosen to use the "Chronation technology". The use
of this tech allows timelines to split and allows the players to play on two game
boards at once. Whichever piece is in control of the tech (the piece has a green glow
to them) is how time is based. Once this piece is destroyed, the tech passes on to the
unit that killed it and time splits. This mechanic allows for planning around piece
management and new strategies that other strategy games don't allow. Altering time is
not the goal of either team though; each team has a "Royal piece", also called the mothership.
If the mothership is destroyed, that player loses and the game is over, so at all costs keep
the mothership alive. Except for the mothership which each team is restricted to only having
one, there are three different units that players can choose from: the Bomber which is
strong but attacks ANYTHING in front of it including allies, the Omega Fighter which is slow, but
can attack from a distance, and the warp ship which teleports around the battlefield,
discharging electricity every time it moves. After placing the units and learning how to
control time, it is all up to the players as to how they want to defeat their opponent.