Diário de Bordo: ship’s log of my compositional practices
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UC San Diego

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Diário de Bordo: ship’s log of my compositional practices


This dissertation contains three different ideas. The first one is in a diary format and it is inspired by my readings of three works: Franz Kafka Diaries, The Diaries of Paul Klee, and the diaries and journals of Bertolt Brecht. The entries come as an illustration of my own poetics instead of a scientific conceptualization of my creative processes. It should inform the reader of the reasons underneath the way I write. The second one is the analysis of my piece for two percussionists called Peças Secas. There I explore the compositional processes that deal with the exploration of the idea of unity of distinct parts. I was preoccupied with an internal structure that tied the parts together and allowed little options for flexibility and novelty. The third idea talks about the short form, specially the condensed form. There are three examples being analyzed, one coming from literature, with a poem from concrete poet Augusto de Campos, another from the music of Robert Schumann and finally the analysis of my own For Dream for solo flute. This piece contrasts my past compositional practices in its impetus for invention. Here it comes more closely related to the idea of a poetic endeavor. I analyze my choices when confronting Emily Dickinson’s text and try to articulate my poetics in the light of the impact condensed forms of art have in my own processes.

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