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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Hydrogen-Bonded Colorimetric and Fluorescence Chemosensor for Fluoride Anion With High Selectivity and Sensitivity: A Review.


In recent years, the wide application of fluoride materials has grown rapidly, therefore excessive discharge in the surrounding environment, especially in drinking water and organic effluent, has become a potential hazard to humans, and has even resulted in fluorosis disease. The development of a highly effective and convenient method to recognize fluoride anions in surrounding environments seems necessary and urgent. Among which, the development of a colorimetric and fluorescence fluoride chemosensor with obvious color changing allowing for naked-eye detection with high sensitivity and selectivity is more interesting and challenging. In this minireview, current novel colorimetric and fluorescence chemosensors for fluoride anions by hydrogen-bond interaction are introduced, including obvious color changing by naked-eye detection, high sensitivity and selectivity, non-pollution and fluoride extraction ability, aqueous detection, and other additional functions. Finally, the perspective of the fluoride chemosensor design concept and potential evolution trends are pointed out.

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