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Parent: UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
514205n7Challenges and Opportunities Facing App-Based Gig Drivers Extend Beyond Driver Pay3,331403,2911.2%
7jx6z631The Benefits of Carpooling1,9111,36454771.4%
5w85z07gReview of California Wildfire Evacuations from 2017 to 20196869459213.7%
00k897b5Shared Micromoblity Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing60633127554.6%
0656t0dhAdvanced Air Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research needsfor the State of California (2023-2030)60342917471.1%
3hh2t4f9Intelligent Transportation Systems59211947320.1%
8nh0s83qUrban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges5478046714.6%
0dk3h89pPlanning for Shared Mobility4463499778.3%
0r23p1gmUrban Air Mobility: Opportunities and Obstacles 3979230523.2%
9370z127Understanding Evacuee Behavior: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma3698028921.7%
2f61q30sShared Mobility: A Sustainability & Technologies Workshop: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding3386427418.9%
05k9k6b6Bicycle Evolution in China: From the 1900s to the Present303122914.0%
9dn2j441Multifamily Households Across California are Paying a Lot More to Charge Their Electric Vehicle2897621326.3%
0fz0x1s2Urban Air Mobility Market Study2827420826.2%
9678b4xsShared Mobility Policy Playbook2677519228.1%
9jh432pmInnovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends.2667319327.4%
8042k3d7Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Potential to Overcome First- and Last-Mile Public Transit Connections2526618626.2%
46p6n2skShared Mobility: The Potential of Ride Hailing and Pooling2485918923.8%
7z69v4wpAmmonia as an Alternative Energy Storage Medium for Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Scientific and Technical Review for Near-Term Stationary Power Demonstration Projects, Final Report239212188.8%
7p69d2bgThe Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)2201348660.9%
0z9711dwChapter 13 - Sharing strategies: carsharing, shared micromobility (bikesharing and scooter sharing), transportation network companies, microtransit, and other innovative mobility modes2162419211.1%
3s40x2x2Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices—A Study of BlaBlaCar209191909.1%
2gv2h5vrStruggling to Connect: Housing and Transportation Challenges of Low-Income Suburban Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area2064516121.8%
2wr9q8c2Shared ride services in North America: definitions, impacts, and the future of pooling2001128856.0%
6p3305b0A Short History of Carsharing in the 90's177171609.6%
2qs445khCommunities Are Experimenting with Microtransit to Fill Critical Gaps in Public Transit Service – What Have We Learned so Far?1764413225.0%
60v8r346Just A Better Taxi? A Survey-Based Comparison of Taxis, Transit, and Ridesourcing Services in San Francisco1555410134.8%
7fh4w0q5Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends1493711224.8%
5030f0cdChapter 3 - Mobility on demand (MOD) and mobility as a service (MaaS): early understanding of shared mobility impacts and public transit partnerships148668244.6%
0cx0d1b8Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and A Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information1471912812.9%
61q03282Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook; Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, and Trends1422911320.4%
3mc5m6pnImpacts of car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities141796256.0%
90b6d7r3Impacts of Transportation Network Companies on Vehicle Miles Traveled, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Travel Behavior Analysis from the Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco Markets1412711419.1%
9b51w7h6Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret Minimization140885262.9%
0gz3b3fxShared Mobility: Current Practices and Guiding Principles Brief1373110622.6%
96j5r729Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Industry Developments and Early Understanding of Impacts1362710919.9%
98z4b5rrDo Incentives Make a Difference? Understanding Smart Charging Program Adoption for Electric Vehicles1342810620.9%
15t657r2Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery130399130.0%
7010k9p3Public Bikesharing and Modal Shift Behavior: A Comparative Study of Early Bikesharing Systems in North America129349526.4%
49j961wbInnovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook127299822.8%
14d994bnCarsharing in Europe and North American: Past, Present, and Future125418432.8%
49b8b9w0A Legal and Regulatory Assessment for the Potential of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)115664957.4%
4fm7d34jUnderstanding California wildfire evacuee behavior and joint choice making114536146.5%
93t0f73mFuture of Aviation: Advancing Aerial Mobility through Technology, Sustainability, and On-Demand Flight112407235.7%
1pn404q5Advancing Road User Charge (RUC) Models in California: Understanding Social Equity and Travel Behavior Impacts110149612.7%
2f5896tpCarsharing's Impact and Future103485546.6%
8kt9q81wShared Mobility in Low- and High-Income Regions103802377.7%
8kz5r10bAn Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility102188417.6%
2zp0z4cnChapter 12: Shared Micromobility Policy and Practices in the United states101158614.9%
6rp9819mUnderstanding Travel Behavior: Research Scan96623464.6%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.