Research Reports

Parent: Energy Futures Research Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
83p5k54mHydrogen Storage and Transport: Technologies and Costs4,1241693,9554.1%
4bn4r7tdA Comparative Review of Hydrogen Engines and Fuel Cells for Trucks1753414119.4%
07z8k57qFuture Electric Vehicle Production in the United States and Europe – Will It Be Enough?1524810431.6%
2gh6x0x1Zero-Emission Trucks: Benefits Analysis and Policy Synergy Recommendations137746354.0%
3sj230pgInternational Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Vehicle Infrastructure: Policy Playbook117546346.2%
3tb2c3jsTechnology and Fuel Transition: Pathways to Low Greenhouse Gas Futures for Cars and Trucks in the United States77324541.6%
2gp9q07nCalifornia Hydrogen Infrastructure and ZEV Adoption Towards a Carbon Free Grid in 204557292850.9%
00h2k09hThe Role of Clean Fuel Systems in a California Hydrogen Transition: A Comparison of Hydrogen, Synthetic Natural Gas, and Related Fuels55243143.6%
0wt6v2hsAnalysis and Projections of BEVs, Renewable Electricity, and GHG Reductions through 205045133228.9%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.