Information Center for the Environment Publications

Parent: Information Center for the Environment

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8pg78231The Implications of Global Climate Change for Mountain Gorilla Conservation158916757.6%
41m0z72fA guide to Wildlands Conservation in the Central Coast Region of California.108288025.9%
8r83z5wbBiomass, Carbon Sequestration, and Avoided Emissions:  Assessing the Role of Urban Trees in California64273742.2%
7q76t4n0Designing a geodatabase for your project: A wetlands delineation example57302752.6%
5q00c7jfThe state of the valley report: an overview of the characteristics and trends of natural resources in the San Joaquin Valley's rural spaces, with an eye on resource sustainability for the future.51272452.9%
4kk487r7The Central Coast Connectivity Project, Northern Monterey County Linkages: Report on the Mount Toro to Fort Ord Reserve Study 2008-200945172837.8%
3db0p1rvCalifornia rivers assessment on-line query system43291467.4%
4fz5r8bhThe Development of 70-Year-Old Wieslander Vegetation Type Maps and an Assessment of Landscape Change in the Central Sierra Nevada43142932.6%
6d21h3q8Climate change impacts on California vegetation: physiology, life history, and ecosystem change.41152636.6%
91g0c2d3Urban Growth in California: Projecting growth in California (2000-2050) under six alternative policy scenarios and assessing impacts to future dispersal corridors, fire threats and climate-sensitive agriculture.Urban Growth in California: Projecting Growth in California (2000-2050) under six alternative policy scenarios and assessing impacts to future dispersal corridors, fire threats and climate-sensitive agriculture.413387.3%
7184s72wSafe Passages and the City of Riverbank: Wildlife Connectivity in the San Joaquin Valley, California40211952.5%
0fr9c1nxA Review of Lessons Learned through the RAMP Working Group, Addendum to the Draft Statewide Framework3993023.1%
66b066hm4.2: Assessment of Landscape Context39182146.2%
76n8793qA Reference Manual for Caltrans Staff on Regional Advance Mitigation Impact Assessment Methods38172144.7%
3rf4k1t0Geographic Information System support for total maximum daily load analysis of the Mattole River Watershed, Humboldt County, California36201655.6%
3vg931v5BioMove - Improvement and Parameterization of a Hybrid Model fo the ASsessment of Climate Change impacts on the Vegetation of California36132336.1%
6hw3h56nRiparian habitat inventory and assessment agreement32191359.4%
1n20q5pzOn the uses of hyperspectral data analysis and watershed analytical methods to evaluate the extent of riparian vegetation and habitat in the Navarro River, California3162519.4%
3xj996gkIdentifying environmental and agricultural values and opportunities for regional planning:a GIS approach31171454.8%
3cn8f3mz2015 Mitigation Needs Assessment for Transportation Projects for the Sacramento Valley Pilot Project for Regional Advance Mitigation Planning3052516.7%
2nn21839Geospatial Risk Assessment of North Coast Watersheds in California29171258.6%
3gs9j3rdProtection status of California's hardwood riparian habitat2632311.5%
160016shDevelopment and application of downscaled hydroclimatic predictor variables for use in climate vulnerability and assessment studies.2542116.0%
6f49z7x7California riparian evaluation system: an ArcView decision support tool for environmental management2571828.0%
3jt0k9fbWatershed analysis tool for environmental resources: GIS technology in the new millennium241234.2%
5b65t7rjICEMAP2 (Interactive California environmental management, assessment, and planning system mark 2): A MapObjects based Internet mapping service2461825.0%
7b1652hkCalifornia's Experience with the river reach file2161528.6%
2r39c22tApplied geographic information systems in cooperative natural resource projects: A California Example1821611.1%
59s8b430Improving water quality reporting in California with the Geo Waterbody system1731417.6%
7hv149vzCalifornia rivers assessment: Assembling environmental data to characterize California's watersheds1621412.5%
9dm5z6tjNonpoint Source Pollution Modeling in the North Coast of California1631318.8%
3464d8q4Using GIS to improve water quality reporting in California1531220.0%
51c44554Migrating attributes tied to the EPA river reache file to the national hydrography dataset1541126.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.