L2 Journal: An Open Access Refereed Journal for World Language Educators

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2504d6w3Corrective Feedback and Teacher Development2,0799521,12745.8%
62n6x6jmRevisiting the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS): The Anxiety of Female English Language Learners in Saudi Arabia76122653529.7%
2df5d55cThirty Years of Machine Translation in Language Teaching and Learning: A Review of the Literature61324536840.0%
2vm455x0Gender neutral and non-binary language practices in the Spanish language classroom: Tensions between disciplinary and societal changes36814822040.2%
4m59f7j8Reconceptualizing the Teaching of the Five-Paragraph Essay Through Concept-Based Language Instruction to English as a Second Language Writers3654931613.4%
46b521brCommunicating with Humor: Poetic Exchanges in the L2 Classroom344283168.1%
6sd7h1tsIdeology, Indexicality, and the L2 Development of Sociolinguistic Perception During Study Abroad3265327316.3%
95j7q819Translanguaging In Applied Linguistics: A Comprehensive Systematic Review31711919837.5%
8dm2p4bbUsing an ADAPT Approach to Integrate Google Translate into the Second Language Classroom30110719435.5%
97s0t7wjFrom Disrupted Classrooms to Human-Machine Collaboration? The Pocket Calculator, Google Translate, and the Future of Language Education2878420329.3%
3c9161pwMachine Translation: Friend or Foe in the Language Classroom?27511915643.3%
1x95k9m1Content-based Instruction (CBI) for the Social Future: A Recommendation for Critical Content-Based Language Instruction (CCBI)26010715341.2%
3016835sIntroduction to the New Co-Editors2182219610.1%
43z6x4cbDefining Graduate Academic Yiddish Proficiency: Results of an Evidence-Based Study2184916922.5%
647983hcThe role of input revisited: Nativist versus usage-based models2101397166.2%
4bc6n12gThanks to Reviewers206161907.8%
98w4855dDo You Speak Translate?: Reflections on the Nature and Role of Translation1996313631.7%
74z6f9v7Teaching Chinese Cultural Perspectives through Film1948910545.9%
9tf451nbStudent Initiatives and Missed Learning Opportunities in an IRF Sequence: A Single Case Analysis1932516813.0%
7v93n9xqMobile Language Learning: The Medium is ^not the Message189999052.4%
1fw545k9Proficiency and the Use of Machine Translation: A Case Study of Four Japanese Learners1861196764.0%
8ht6q019Redesigning an Introductory Language Curriculum: A Backward Design Approach1786311535.4%
40s623wv"You used 'elle,' so now you're a girl": Discursive possibilities for a non-binary teenager in French class1743314119.0%
5909w667Creating Social Justice Instructional Templates: Frameworks, Process, and Lessons Learned1715511632.2%
9fr9w0gv“More & Earlier”: Neoliberalism and Primary English Education in Mexican Public Schools1695411532.0%
9xp597qbIntroduction to Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on Neoliberalism in Second / Foreign Language Education1676610139.5%
76h0x8zqWhat Makes Study Abroad Transformative? Comparing Linguistic and Cultural Contacts and Learning Outcomes in Virtual vs In-Person Contexts1623612622.2%
6568p4f4New Approaches to Exploiting Film in the Foreign Language Classroom161887354.7%
6tn2k649Critical Content Based Instruction for the Transformation of World Language Classrooms1604611428.8%
43b6f1gxIntroduction to the Special Issue on Critical Pedagogies1564211426.9%
92s7r8phReturning to Normal?: Reimagining Study Abroad and Language Learning for a Sustainable and Equitable Future155678843.2%
0b92954cThe Boal-Freire Nexus: Rehearsing Praxis, Imagining Liberation in Bilingual Teacher Education1542812618.2%
4qh4p8t3L2 Multimodal Composing Abroad: Remixing Languages, Cultures, and Identities1544311127.9%
27t3v8stThe Coloniality of Neoliberal English: The Enduring Structures of American Colonial English Instruction in the Philippines and Puerto Rico1533711624.2%
77n4q6rsThe Transformative Power of the Study Abroad Experience1535210134.0%
8fk3x63mGenre Instruction and Critical Literacy in Teacher Education: Features of a Critical Foreign Language Pedagogy in a University Curriculum1533611723.5%
9dw9z83cThe Cultural Identities of Foreign Language Teachers153668743.1%
11w230w2Exploring Foreign Language Students’ Perceptions of the Guided Use of Machine Translation (GUMT) Model for Korean Writing149678245.0%
9rd471csExploring the Feasibility of a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies in Introductory Foreign Language Courses1484410429.7%
46f6f4krCritical Pedagogy for Foreign-Language Writing1463411223.3%
44h4w2mrTexts of Memory and Texts of History1441612811.1%
42w5386dIntroduction to the Special Issue1341611811.9%
5427b39gLearning from Locals: The Impact of Social Networks with Target-Language Speakers During Study Abroad133508337.6%
0c24d6hxMarginalization of Local Varieties in the L2 Classroom: The Case of U.S. Spanish130448633.8%
86n1q1j2Rebels with a Cause: (Re)defining Identities and Culture in Contemporary French Cinema125735258.4%
7c1918nqMultilingual Translation of English Idioms in Internet-based TV series: A Contrastive Approach121477438.8%
8q62w9j1Localizing the Transdisciplinary in Practice: A Teaching Account of a Prototype Undergraduate Seminar on Linguistic Landscape121338827.3%
9wx9s230Comment Dire: A Neurolinguistic Approach to Beckett’s Bilingual Writings1211810314.9%
8g91w2r7Foreign Language Teachers’ Struggle to Learn Content-Based Instruction120378330.8%
3zs1f1jtTheorizing Transnational Language Teacher (Educator) Identities: An Autoethnographic Study of a Border Dweller119566347.1%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.