Molecular Biophys & Integ Bi

Parent: BioSciences

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
1xt5762kImproving photosynthesis and crop productivity by accelerating recovery from photoprotection21172443857
0zv4c34cHigh allelic diversity in Arabidopsis NLRs is associated with distinct genomic features.18021179349
33c9b7zsFranck–Condon and Herzberg–Teller Signatures in Molecular Absorption and Emission Spectra13226293542
77j1n0fsNovel fold of rotavirus glycan-binding domain predicted by AlphaFold2 and determined by X-ray crystallography1175039199
6nv0q883De novo determination of mosquitocidal Cry11Aa and Cry11Ba structures from naturally-occurring nanocrystals1054335216
2ct9j9m4Real-time bioelectronic sensing of environmental contaminants10240311417
6xs6568mSlot Blot Assay for Detection of R Loops1022532540
1q37q9tdA Miniaturized Programmable Multi-fluidic pneumatic for precise controls of sample preparation environment10141282210
1mx9f7xhPlasma phosphorylated tau 217 and phosphorylated tau 181 as biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a retrospective diagnostic performance study10038231821
7ct187h2A monomeric mycobacteriophage immunity repressor utilizes two domains to recognize an asymmetric DNA sequence993136257
08q2m81sUnderstanding the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Mechanism on CoO x using Operando Ambient-Pressure X‑ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy9826311724
6jb5z7bfSnapshot transient absorption spectroscopy: toward in vivo investigations of nonphotochemical quenching mechanisms974031215
1tb144q4Transient and stabilized complexes of Nsp7, Nsp8, and Nsp12 in SARS-CoV-2 replication964233129
4483825hVisualizing chaperone-assisted protein folding963434235
2442v92bMicroscopic Visualization of Cell-Cell Adhesion Complexes at Micro and Nanoscale953234209
59c6w26sSelective CO2 electrocatalysis at the pseudocapacitive nanoparticle/ordered-ligand interlayer9440251019
4gq0b002A robust and interpretable machine learning approach using multimodal biological data to predict future pathological tau accumulation924422188
3rr259j7CryoEM and AI reveal a structure of SARS-CoV-2 Nsp2, a multifunctional protein involved in key host processes9135271910
2tc1b8cjStructural basis for SHOC2 modulation of RAS signalling903131235
9033s7sxNovel bacterial clade reveals origin of form I Rubisco8928271915
4z5380qsGaussian processes for autonomous data acquisition at large-scale synchrotron and neutron facilities8820302216
070108qfStructural plasticity enables evolution and innovation of RuBisCO assemblies872736213
8hq0s48pCoupling Visualization and Data Analysis for Knowledge Discovery from Multi-dimensional Scientific Data8529231914
2g22r9k6De novo determination of mosquitocidal Cry11Aa and Cry11Ba structures from naturally-occurring nanocrystals842835174
8jg141tkPHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution.8425281912
5b7863sbA Zika virus mutation enhances transmission potential and confers escape from protective dengue virus immunity832136224
1s64x9bmReversible Interlayer Sliding and Conductivity Changes in Adaptive Tetrathiafulvalene-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks813325149
2329z666A More Automated Approach to Data Collection for Macromolecular Crystallography812829204
83z5n0w7Longitudinal evaluation of left ventricular substrate metabolism, perfusion, and dysfunction in the spontaneously hypertensive rat model of hypertrophy using small-animal PET/CT imaging.8024222410
17x4g3dqTopological chaos in active nematics7929191615
1r17q430Oxidation State and Surface Reconstruction of Cu under CO2 Reduction Conditions from In Situ X‑ray Characterization7729181317
3rn1v466De novo design of monomeric helical bundles for pH‐controlled membrane lysis772716232
84g7r07wTracing the incorporation of the “ninth sulfur” into the nitrogenase cofactor precursor with selenite and tellurite772026229
20f594ncA Synthetic Gene Library Yields a Previously Unknown Glycoside Phosphorylase That Degrades and Assembles Poly-β-1,3-GlcNAc, Completing the Suite of β‑Linked GlcNAc Polysaccharides732025217
3gz3w9v7Accurate prediction of protein structures and interactions using a three-track neural network.7021231214
72s586k3Associations Between Tau, β-Amyloid, and Cognition in Parkinson Disease.671921216
7f44j9rvTailored design of protein nanoparticle scaffolds for multivalent presentation of viral glycoprotein antigens65312059
5d1456nnProbing the Surface of Platinum during the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte63302067
95s252x3Correlating the Structure and Gene Silencing Activity of Oligonucleotide-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles Using Small-Angle X‑ray Scattering632022138
07h5j5w6Beyond integration: modeling every pixel to obtain better structure factors from stills61361753
0hh6m30hA Selection for Assembly Reveals That a Single Amino Acid Mutant of the Bacteriophage MS2 Coat Protein Forms a Smaller Virus-like Particle612323510
0sc3g309A hemoprotein with a zinc-mirror heme site ties heme availability to carbon metabolism in cyanobacteria60202218
7bg108q8An Operando Investigation of (Ni–Fe–Co–Ce)O x System as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction60242691
7w24g10jChlorophyll-Carotenoid Excitation Energy Transfer in High-Light-Exposed Thylakoid Membranes Investigated by Snapshot Transient Absorption Spectroscopy60331557
8f24m28xStructural insights into the light-driven auto-assembly process of the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5-cluster in photosystem II602514912
5803h9ffStructure and Function of BorB, the Type II Thioesterase from the Borrelidin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster59251798
618496d5Phycobilisome protein ApcG interacts with PSII and regulates energy transfer in Synechocystis591916321
09w6f8nxA LSO scintillator array for a PET detector module with depth of interaction measurement57301854
09x7h0czStructural Mechanism of Regioselectivity in an Unusual Bacterial Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase572414514

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