Law of the Sea Institute

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4w9953kpMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 9. The "Volga" Case (Russian Federation v. Australia): Prompt Release and the Right and Interests of Flag and Coastal States430430.0%
0f7748dqMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Comment on Chapter 61541126.7%
7556z2k1Multilateralism and International Ocean Resources Law: Appendix A. Conference Program1541126.7%
1c47v5kcMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Appendix B. Conference Authors and Participants1431121.4%
0c21q80zMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 8. Ocean Policy Toward Russia & the Pacific Fisheries: The U.S. & Western Countries’ Perspective130130.0%
5078q9dtThe Sea Where International Law Is Made: Some Informal Remarks121118.3%
720284d1Multilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 6. Rethinking the Principle of Abstention: The North Pacific and Beyond101910.0%
36r344g2Multilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Papers from the 2003 LOSI Conference -- Table of Contents93633.3%
5ks9c77gMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 10. Multilateralism and Marine Issues in the Southeast Atlantic8080.0%
4bj2x1kcMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Comment on Chapter 46060.0%
8nk5p6ddMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Comment on Chapter 85050.0%
4t45s0jzMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 14. Fisheries in the South Atlantic: The Negotiation between the European Union and Mercosur41325.0%
9b7904mhMultilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 15. Protection and Conservation of the Sedentary Species of the Deep Seabed4040.0%
1ch0f884Multilateralism and International Ocean-Resources Law: Chapter 12. Straddling and Highly Migratory Flags3030.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.