Wondering at the Natural Fecundity of Things: Essays in Honor of Alan Prince

Parent: Festschrifts

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0xf9q0n8Whatever Happened to the Past Tense Debate?96177917.7%
1066p928On Theoretical Facts and Empirical Abstractions82107212.2%
5f90t5p7Is There Such a Thing as Animal Phonology?454418.9%
8j31x9mdRestraint of Analysis3672919.4%
1m56m1htElsewhere Effects in Optimality Theory3042613.3%
6bq9m8prNeutral Vowels in Lokaa Harmony2332013.0%
6k11d230Chains as Unfaithful Optima231224.3%
96k332nmOn the Peripatetic Behavior of Aspiration in Sanskrit Roots2171433.3%
9k44s2bkBibliography of Alan Prince2141719.0%
7jt3z39wLearning from Paradigmatic Information1831516.7%
58q5t39bIndulgentia Parentum Filiorum Pernicies: Lexical Allomorphy in Latin and Japanese1551033.3%
3hm2786sFront matter and Preface1441028.6%
2zp3z165Absence of Stress Culmination and Prosodic Phrasing135838.5%
9tx6h7mmAssociation Faith and Korean Palatalization1221016.7%
4hp8s98wTowards a Uniform Account of Prominence-Sensitive Stress102820.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.