Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

Parent: UC Santa Cruz

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6dq3h64xHealth Risks from Lead-Based Ammunition in the Environment - A Consensus Statement of Scientists1852016510.8%
8t6239j0Ammunition is the principal source of lead accumulated by California condors re-introduced to the wild.77166120.8%
6z09s8vsFeather lead concentrations and (207)Pb/(206)Pb ratios reveal lead exposure history of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus).48143429.2%
6j16d95xPatterns of mortality in free-ranging California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus).41122929.3%
0914713jLead poisoning and the deceptive recovery of the critically endangered California condor.343318.8%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.