Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

Parent: UC Santa Cruz

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
6dq3h64xHealth Risks from Lead-Based Ammunition in the Environment - A Consensus Statement of Scientists12339321933
6z09s8vsFeather lead concentrations and (207)Pb/(206)Pb ratios reveal lead exposure history of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus).58202297
8t6239j0Ammunition is the principal source of lead accumulated by California condors re-introduced to the wild.39913611
6j16d95xPatterns of mortality in free-ranging California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus).298768
0914713jLead poisoning and the deceptive recovery of the critically endangered California condor.2441037

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.