Office of Undergraduate Research

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
67v2q6g3The Use of Color in Marketing: Colors and their Physiological and Psychological Implications1,00080419680.4%
9tq2f89vSexual Slavery in Islam and through the Islamic State88623165526.1%
8vh3v7bdMoral Theories and Cloning in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go843547896.4%
0hm9s8hkThe Federal Reserve and the Decision to Let Lehman Brothers Fail: A challenge to the legal explanation put forth by the Fed, and an exploration into the real reasons for their decision.639465937.2%
3xz8m7vbEffects of Cortisol on Physical and Psychological Aspects of the Body and Effective Ways by Which One Can Reduce Stress62449313179.0%
9c00g8jsThe Science of Happiness54641613076.2%
4877f5z0A Critical Race Perspective on the Filipino Identity517165013.1%
4c09h7w1Feminist Fans and Their Connective Action on Twitter K-Pop Fandom50629021657.3%
98p4d07vAvians to Airplanes: Biomimicry in Flight and Wing Design44913231729.4%
3859m52hDistance Education Versus The Traditional Classroom3683175186.1%
87n7c529"A Time of Great Tension": Memory and the Malaysian Chinese Construction of the May 13 Race Riots329243057.3%
0ds156cwThey Hatch Alone: The Alienation of the Colonial American Subject in Toni Morrison's A Mercy29682882.7%
401407hgThe Modern Face of Honor Killing: Factors, Legal Issues, and Policy Recommendations29612017640.5%
58v0q3qrFalling Out of Love?2862592790.6%
4qj303gp"Corrupted Blood" and Public Health26415610859.1%
9209s0gdRealizing and Imagining "Aesthetic Bliss" in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and Pale Fire2611728965.9%
1t63s6z4Collective Memory of Trauma: The Otherization of Suffering in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict2476118624.7%
4nj1x91nSurviving Through The Post-Cold War Era: The Evolution of Foreign Policy In North Korea2461479959.8%
6469m059Inmate-to-Inmate: Socialization, Relationships, and Community Among Incarcerated Men2463021612.2%
2r16q1p5Spider Silk: Sronger than Steel? Nature's Supermaterial2412093286.7%
3b9432n8The Tug-of-War of Emotion in Children with AuDHD2331458862.2%
1514g4p5Data Analysis for Formula 12221457765.3%
8nt665v8Acquired Savantism: The Genesis of Accidental Genius2171209755.3%
6gn2651fAgain, and Again, and Again: Why We Fail in the Face of Genocide2101654578.6%
3c9157k2Savant Syndrome: Growth of Empathy and Creativity2089311544.7%
0gp004t3The Status of Mental Health Care in Ghana, West Africa and Signs of Progress in the Greater Accra Region2012317811.4%
2br2k4rvThe Garcia Effect: A Tailored Taste for Survival2015314826.4%
03z9b2z4The Palestinian Perspective: Understanding the Legacy of al-Nakba Through the Palestinian Narrative2005914129.5%
4120w4wvInterview with Achilles Speliotopoulos18641822.2%
438611v2Water Intoxication1824014222.0%
5j65h7n6Dreaming with a Conscious Mind1801641691.1%
2253c96vNavigating a Post-<em>Dobbs</em> Era: Repercussions Faced by Marginalized Communities and the Future of Reproductive Justice&nbsp;1794813126.8%
5pg2n9f8Apotheosis Now: A Hegelian Dialectical Analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein1791816110.1%
8wk7r6qzMeasuring the Non-Observed Economy: A Survey-Based Study of Demand in the Korean Prostitution Market174101645.7%
7xb0c7hrThe Future of Bacteria Cleaning Our Plastic Waste172987457.0%
62w3t33fBirth of the Female Student-Writer in Meiji Japan (1868-1912): Miyake Kaho’s The Warbler in the Grove1686010835.7%
9fp8k0fbSurveillance And Resistance: Police Use of Technology and Activist Mobilization in the San Francisco Bay Area1682514314.9%
6d77g442Restoring California’s Kelp Forests1611045764.6%
21z023f6Caught Stealing: The Major League Baseball Players Association — A Union for the Few at the Expense of the Many1571913812.1%
90x3w6bzParent Influences on the Dietary Habits of Young Adults1552612916.8%
7r10t66sMarijuana National Forest: Encroachment on California Public Lands for Cannabis Cultivation1543911525.3%
4mn5k202From Gods To Gamers: The Manifestation of the Avatar Throughout Religious History and Postmodern Culture1483910926.4%
7hs535wqReimagining Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Charging Stations with Wave Energy1482512316.9%
186959srPredator, Prisoner, and Role Model: The Evolving Figure of Mrs. Robinson145727349.7%
8r30s9hfAspartame: History of the Artificial Sweetener1431241986.7%
1256f94xWhat Determines Coffee Aroma and Flavor?1421192383.8%
14t4b5v4Out For Blood: Biotechnology to Eradicate Horseshoe Crab Bleeding1401512510.7%
1mt6m596A Conduct Incompatible with Their Character: Patriots, Loyalists, &amp; Spies: Espionage in the American Revolution and the Underlying Social &amp; Ideological Revolution in the American Colonies140647645.7%
4t30g06vPsycholinguistics: How Language Shapes Cognition134567841.8%
74m0k7cpExamining the Role of Availability Heuristic in Climate Crisis Belief1332211116.5%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.