Office of Undergraduate Research

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
9tq2f89vSexual Slavery in Islam and through the Islamic State1,856379510507460
67v2q6g3The Use of Color in Marketing: Colors and their Physiological and Psychological Implications1,523220392489422
8vh3v7bdMoral Theories and Cloning in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go1,395218339432406
0hm9s8hkThe Federal Reserve and the Decision to Let Lehman Brothers Fail: A challenge to the legal explanation put forth by the Fed, and an exploration into the real reasons for their decision.866135220257254
4877f5z0A Critical Race Perspective on the Filipino Identity81074144218374
4c09h7w1Feminist Fans and Their Connective Action on Twitter K-Pop Fandom767121204227215
3xz8m7vbEffects of Cortisol on Physical and Psychological Aspects of the Body and Effective Ways by Which One Can Reduce Stress698135170219174
9c00g8jsThe Science of Happiness54272109201160
3859m52hDistance Education Versus The Traditional Classroom4856721290116
87n7c529"A Time of Great Tension": Memory and the Malaysian Chinese Construction of the May 13 Race Riots46451108126179
03z9b2z4The Palestinian Perspective: Understanding the Legacy of al-Nakba Through the Palestinian Narrative44863128128129
6gn2651fAgain, and Again, and Again: Why We Fail in the Face of Genocide44067141128104
187415hfDeconstructing Secularization Theory: Religion, Secularity, and Self-hood since the Onset of Western Modernity4336687129151
401407hgThe Modern Face of Honor Killing: Factors, Legal Issues, and Policy Recommendations42249121147105
98p4d07vAvians to Airplanes: Biomimicry in Flight and Wing Design39669104100123
4nj1x91nSurviving Through The Post-Cold War Era: The Evolution of Foreign Policy In North Korea374869210888
0ds156cwThey Hatch Alone: The Alienation of the Colonial American Subject in Toni Morrison's A Mercy3564877115116
0q87w2m6Interpersonal Emotion Regulation: Strategies, Behaviors, and Goals347548280131
0gp004t3The Status of Mental Health Care in Ghana, West Africa and Signs of Progress in the Greater Accra Region343637886116
4qj303gp"Corrupted Blood" and Public Health339687989103
9bf5w99vIdealizing the Bodies of Medieval Mermaids: Analyzing the Shifted Sexuality of Medieval Mermaids in the Presence of Medieval Mermen330307014090
3c9157k2Savant Syndrome: Growth of Empathy and Creativity329517510598
1t63s6z4Collective Memory of Trauma: The Otherization of Suffering in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict316467910091
2br2k4rvThe Garcia Effect: A Tailored Taste for Survival28255587495
9209s0gdRealizing and Imagining "Aesthetic Bliss" in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and Pale Fire27372597468
438611v2Water Intoxication26161478964
5pg2n9f8Apotheosis Now: A Hegelian Dialectical Analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein25636706981
6469m059Inmate-to-Inmate: Socialization, Relationships, and Community Among Incarcerated Men25530618183
1514g4p5Data Analysis for Formula 125233577488
6x27d4hrThe Belo Monte Dam: Greatest "Natural" Disaster of Our Generation?249154961124
2r16q1p5Spider Silk: Sronger than Steel? Nature's Supermaterial24439606580
5j65h7n6Dreaming with a Conscious Mind23664544672
7xb0c7hrThe Future of Bacteria Cleaning Our Plastic Waste22953387959
62w3t33fBirth of the Female Student-Writer in Meiji Japan (1868-1912): Miyake Kaho’s The Warbler in the Grove22344448550
32g3w0rnAltered Perceptions: How Various Substances Influence Our Perception of Time21337544478
15p36388The Dayton Accords and the Escalating Tensions in Kosovo21056417142
4mn5k202From Gods To Gamers: The Manifestation of the Avatar Throughout Religious History and Postmodern Culture20738305386
8nt665v8Acquired Savantism: The Genesis of Accidental Genius20632635754
364648f7Do It for The Kids: Dismantling Norms of The Family in Cli-Fi Literature19517494386
186959srPredator, Prisoner, and Role Model: The Evolving Figure of Mrs. Robinson19236484662
7zh5n9f6A Political Ecology of the Citarum River Basin: Exploring "Integrated Water Resources Management" in West Java, Indonesia18645603843
21z023f6Caught Stealing: The Major League Baseball Players Association — A Union for the Few at the Expense of the Many17718306168
90x3w6bzParent Influences on the Dietary Habits of Young Adults17738434551
8r30s9hfAspartame: History of the Artificial Sweetener17222405357
7dw305v9Needy Narrator and Sympathetic Reader: The Critique of Gender Convention and Narrator-Reader Tradition in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette1706389135
9fp8k0fbSurveillance And Resistance: Police Use of Technology and Activist Mobilization in the San Francisco Bay Area16924483958
9x34k046Music and the Mind16721425252
0g83r10vThe Mixed Race Mouse: Discovering Mixed Race Identity in Disney Channel Programs from High School Musical to K.C. Undercover16626355352
58v0q3qrFalling Out of Love?16616445452
2h47x6jwDo Memes Behave Like Viruses?15740265041

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.