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Open Access Publications from the University of California
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Submission Guidelines
Submission to the SURF Conference Proceedings repository is limited torecipients of the UC Berkeley Summer Undergraduate ResearchFellowship. To ensure that the journal maintains a professional and
uniform look, we ask that you format your paper using the followingguidelines:
- Pages should be standard letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), with 1-inchmargins on all sides.
- Please insert "SURF Conference Proceedings [Year]" as a runningheader (left-aligned, italicized).
- Insert page numbers in the top right corner.
- Your submission should start with the title of your paper in bold,14-point Times New Roman font, left-aligned. After that, pleaseinclude the following in 12-point Times New Roman font:
Name | Major | Session Number
Mentor: Professor [insert name], Department
- Body text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, justified andsingle-spaced. Please indent and leave a line in between paragraphs.
- For your bibliography, please use Chicago style citations.
- Figures should include captions in 9-point Times New Roman font.
- Section headings are optional. If you choose to use them, please useroman numerals and bold, 14-point Times New Roman font.
If you have questions about these guidelines, please contactPatricia Pierry at