Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6s04v367Fish Bulletin 157. Guide To The Coastal Marine Fishes of California2,0966391,45730.5%
49n9x3t4Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters1,03785718082.6%
1pm1485bMarine Insects77129048137.6%
95m6h5b9Miklankovitch Theory - Hits and Misses62952910084.1%
6h72j1fzThe Science of Surfing Waves and Surfing Breaks - A Review47820227642.3%
8px2019mThe index of refraction of seawater4775442311.3%
2pv2n222Comparison of the Fajans and Mohr Techniques for the Titration of Chloride Ions and Salinity Determination45134410776.3%
7t5868rdFish Bulletin 152. Food Habits of Albacore, Bluefin Tuna, and Bonito In California Waters42614228433.3%
09v319r9Exchanges of Atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans from 1978 to 2000. I. Global Aspects3333829511.4%
1c28t6bbUnderwater Glider System Study3238723626.9%
922945w8Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America3233828511.8%
3bg937fsEvaluating the Impacts of Offshore Wind Development on Marine Ecosystems30917713257.3%
98z5b9fwRealignment of NCAA Division One football to reduce travel emissions and revitalize regional athletic rivalry2946522922.1%
00x770kvThe Issues of Solid Waste Management on Small Islands: Malapascua Island Philippines as a Case Study2745521920.1%
8zq2c02mGMTSAR: An InSAR Processing System Based on Generic Mapping Tools2663523113.2%
46n6148xDeep Sea Ocean Trenches and their Fauna2561708666.4%
3hp6s49w<em>Scripps Log</em> Obituaries2529715538.5%
9dx6x89kChallenges to the sustainability of deep-seabed mining2461499760.6%
2vk13261Effects of sea-level rise on manatees’ seagrass habitat: A case study of the northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida2235017322.4%
5rm0h8qgFish Bulletin 178. History And Status of Introduced Fishes In California, 1871 – 19961964015620.4%
954322pgSPOTL: Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading1943515918.0%
6sd4z5b2Fish Bulletin 179. Contributions to the Biology of Central Valley Salmonids. Volumes 1 &amp; 2.1901226864.2%
9468v1rzWork Plan for Howard A. Hanson Dam Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations1807710342.8%
6xm1n104Taxonomy of economic seaweeds : with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species179879248.6%
4p54w451A Bibliography Of The Early Life History Of Fishes. Volume 1, List Of Titles1774013722.6%
6pj6c3rfFrom the Cold War to Global Warming: A Scientific Odyssey1712115012.3%
3mf30834Insecta: Hemiptera, Heteroptera1694412526.0%
6q25783fThe Sea Off Southern California, A Modern Habitat Of Petroleum1685411432.1%
46t92266Cumulated Bibliography of Biographies of Ocean Scientists166729443.4%
9rj6r9f1On “CHAPARRAL” versus “COASTAL SAGE SCRUB” in San Diego County166151519.0%
5w56w3hdFish Bulletin 185. The Use of Low-Tech Process-Based Stream Habitat Restoration163867752.8%
3tv9g51kHydrographic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Volume 2: Pacific Ocean1484210628.4%
3jw2v1hhStable Isotope Protocols: Sampling and Sample Processing1452911620.0%
9xr9q7mnThe Dam Problem: The Controversy of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam1444310129.9%
5079n1d7La Jolla Canyon and Scripps Canyon Bibliography1431712611.9%
8xw50372A Financial Guidebook For U.S. Startups: Crossing Climate Tech's Valleys of Death and Achieving Scale141429929.8%
4c27740cBaytap08 User's Manual1362011614.7%
66z7j1xdHydrographic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Volume 3: Atlantic Ocean1363110522.8%
3xh7d30pHydrographic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Volume 1: Southern Ocean1353410125.2%
6db5n157The distribution of Pacific euphausiids134478735.1%
9js6m9k1Biology of <em>Halobates (Heteroptera: Gerridae)</em>132399329.5%
7sk9t2dzDecapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces131339825.2%
73p3r43qVolume Scattering Functions for Selected Ocean Waters128468235.9%
2qg6s9t5Social organization of schools of the Scalloped Hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini (Griffith and Smith), in the Gulf of California126329425.4%
2bc6j8pzREDD and BLUE Carbon: Carbon Payments for Mangrove Conservation125477837.6%
3s49k58kHeat Waves and Homelessness: Analysis of San Diego and Recommendations124745059.7%
204201x5Nearshore Processes123972678.9%
4923w0fcEnergy Flow Through Marine Ecosystems: Confronting Transfer Efficiency122289423.0%
7kp2w0c1Electric vehicle charging behavior: An analysis of workplace charging heterogeneity to improve charging network planning.1211510612.4%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.