Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
80n8w92rThe Biology of a Marine Decapod Crustacean, Pleuroncodes planipes Stimpson, 18603,2251083,1173.3%
6s04v367Fish Bulletin 157. Guide To The Coastal Marine Fishes of California2,4508141,63633.2%
1pm1485bMarine Insects83131751438.1%
49n9x3t4Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters78659419275.6%
95m6h5b9Miklankovitch Theory - Hits and Misses6205289285.2%
1c28t6bbUnderwater Glider System Study5189842018.9%
7t5868rdFish Bulletin 152. Food Habits of Albacore, Bluefin Tuna, and Bonito In California Waters47815732132.8%
8px2019mThe index of refraction of seawater4357635917.5%
6h72j1fzThe Science of Surfing Waves and Surfing Breaks - A Review38715423339.8%
922945w8Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America3655630915.3%
8zq2c02mGMTSAR: An InSAR Processing System Based on Generic Mapping Tools2886422422.2%
09v319r9Exchanges of Atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans from 1978 to 2000. I. Global Aspects2593922015.1%
5s73q0hjManual de vuelo de drones2575620121.8%
46n6148xDeep Sea Ocean Trenches and their Fauna2561619562.9%
2pv2n222Comparison of the Fajans and Mohr Techniques for the Titration of Chloride Ions and Salinity Determination2521876574.2%
5rm0h8qgFish Bulletin 178. History And Status of Introduced Fishes In California, 1871 – 19962456318225.7%
6pj6c3rfFrom the Cold War to Global Warming: A Scientific Odyssey2335617724.0%
00x770kvThe Issues of Solid Waste Management on Small Islands: Malapascua Island Philippines as a Case Study2323020212.9%
3mf30834Insecta: Hemiptera, Heteroptera2233818517.0%
2vk13261Effects of sea-level rise on manatees’ seagrass habitat: A case study of the northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida2034216120.7%
4c27740cBaytap08 User's Manual1904814225.3%
2zv0z6zmDrone Flight Manual UCSD Mangrove Imaging Procedure (Version 1.3) 1842416013.0%
6sd4z5b2Fish Bulletin 179. Contributions to the Biology of Central Valley Salmonids. Volumes 1 & 2.1771047358.8%
8xw50372A Financial Guidebook For U.S. Startups: Crossing Climate Tech's Valleys of Death and Achieving Scale1776011733.9%
08z6v9wqAdding Mean Sea Surface (MSS) as an Altimetry Product1756411136.6%
3bg937fsEvaluating the Impacts of Offshore Wind Development on Marine Ecosystems1741175767.2%
9dx6x89kChallenges to the sustainability of deep-seabed mining1741027258.6%
9rj6r9f1On “CHAPARRAL” versus “COASTAL SAGE SCRUB” in San Diego County1632813517.2%
3jw2v1hhStable Isotope Protocols: Sampling and Sample Processing1613312820.5%
6xm1n104Taxonomy of economic seaweeds : with reference to some Pacific and Caribbean species159887155.3%
5079n1d7La Jolla Canyon and Scripps Canyon Bibliography1562613016.7%
3ww8g75cDrone Imagery Processing Procedure154151399.7%
4mf3d0b7The physical oceanography of the Gulf of Thailand, Naga Expedition; Bathythermograph (BT) temperature observations in the Timor sea, Naga Expedition, Cruise S11153896458.2%
4p54w451A Bibliography Of The Early Life History Of Fishes. Volume 1, List Of Titles1533411922.2%
3bg3206zLessons on monitoring mangroves1472112614.3%
5v7289k7The Portunid Crabs (Crustacea : Portunidae) Collected by the NAGA Expedition1473411323.1%
89040915The Tsunami of April 1, 1946143529136.4%
90g09364Euphausiids of Southeast Asian waters136538339.0%
3b63q04nLake Mendocino Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Final Viability Assessment135508537.0%
2z8648k3Fish Bulletin 150. A History of California's Fish Hatcheries 1870–19601332510818.8%
204201x5Nearshore Processes1301062481.5%
954322pgSPOTL: Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading1302510519.2%
6db5n157The distribution of Pacific euphausiids129438633.3%
1k4317s5Fish Bulletin No. 90. Common Marine Bivalves of California1271411311.0%
2bc6j8pzREDD and BLUE Carbon: Carbon Payments for Mangrove Conservation127527540.9%
3k230030An Exploration of Effective Messaging for Shark Conservation127636449.6%
6ph3g3zzENSO impacts on ecosystem indicators in the California Current System125319424.8%
2084x4pfThe Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Financial Disclosures and Recommendations for the Improvement of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Disclosures122348827.9%
4bv3m5n3Turbulence and Coral Reefs.121358628.9%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.