Naga Report

Parent: UC San Diego Library – Scripps Digital Collection

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
49n9x3t4Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters1,03286217083.5%
4mf3d0b7The physical oceanography of the Gulf of Thailand, Naga Expedition; Bathythermograph (BT) temperature observations in the Timor sea, Naga Expedition, Cruise S11105624359.0%
90g09364Euphausiids of Southeast Asian waters83226126.5%
5v7289k7The Portunid Crabs (Crustacea : Portunidae) Collected by the NAGA Expedition6895913.2%
8dr9f3htEuthecosomatous Pteropods (Mollusca) in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea: Seasonal Distribution and Species Associations57174029.8%
58g617zqGammaridean Amphipoda from the South China Sea50212942.0%
1sw7922gNaga Expedition: station index and data444409.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.