Oceanography Program Publications

Parent: Oceanography Program, California Department of Parks & Recreation

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
4tm114zfThe Myth and Reality of Southern California Beaches707341811
0ff253ktCalifornia’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment63928206
033010khStorm surge in the San Francisco Bay/Delta and nearby coastal locations56427187
6wk9w0g6Amateur Radio from Antarctica56720209
579326krGlobal distribution of coastal cliffs53324197
6b8528q3A Comparison of Otolith Geochemistry and Stable Isotope Markers to Track Fish Movement: Describing Estuarine Ingress by Larval and Post-larval Halibut5134152
2tj688nzExtreme oceanographic forcing and coastal response due to the 2015-2016 El Nino5033134
2f685159CDIP wave observations in Superstorm Sandy48526161
9rq321pvSeasonal temperature dynamics of the upper ocean in the Southern California Bight48127146
6hr9b3c0An interview with Greg Woodell4727173
8tv4w9g3Regional Swell Transformation by Backward Ray Tracing and SWAN4725175
1cb7d2n9Measuring the Nearshore Wave Climate: California Experience46321157
28q2j7d3Assimilating Coastal Wave Observations in Regional Swell Predictions. Part I: Inverse Methods4628162
0zj570shAutomatic Delineation of Seacliff Limits using Lidar-derived High-resolution DEMs in Southern California45227151
0c49k386Shoreline Erosion Assessment and Atlas of the San Diego Region441110167
0ct1b77vCross‐shore surfzone tracer dispersion in an alongshore current44226142
0qw7q9w5Near-Surface Environmentally Forced Changes in the Ross Ice Shelf Observed With Ambient Seismic Noise44324152
2bw8z3z0Effects of the 2015-2016 El Niño on Water Levels in Southern California Estuaries and Implications for Elevated Sea-levels44217187
34f5s9tbInfragravity Seiches in a Small Harbor44117206
3ds995nmA Comparison of Spectral Refraction and Refraction-Diffraction Wave Models44318158
9rg8617tApplication of Airborne LIDAR for Seacliff Volumetric Change and Beach-Sediment Budget Contributions44218186
0tf6w5gxCoastal Flood Modeling Challenges in Defended Urban Backshores43217177
3k2933rcTransoceanic infragravity waves impacting Antarctic ice shelves42517146
5846m8hmTrends in United States Tidal Datum Statistics and Tide Range42418155
20s6j2vwA Worldwide Survey of Recent Ocean Observatory Activities: 2017 Update41121154
7xf198nxProjecting future sea level4124161
8bm2c01qComplex larval connectivity patterns among marine invertebrate populations41621131
09j8x698Biofouling Effects on the Response of a Wave Measurement Buoy in Deep Water40318145
2dq3b6dfInfluence of El Niños on California Wave Climate40219145
4k5508jkEffects of El Niños on the West Coast Wave Climate40123142
89r72683The offshore boundary condition in surf zone modeling40220126
3v25d0fjSouthern California Beach Processes Study - Torrey Pines Beach Nourishment Study 5th Quarterly Report to California Resources Agency and California Department of Boating and Waterways3925131
9md5g3vxCoastal vulnerability across the Pacific dominated by El Nino/Southern Oscillation39312195
72n0129fPredicting coastal algal blooms in southern California38120143
9g48g5khEffect of a Small Southern California Lagoon Entrance on Adjacent Beaches3823141
60c5d5fkNew technology in coastal wave monitoring3717173
7rq7z2rbCoastal Flood Modeling Challenges in Defended Urban Backshores37119125
8r74t5tqTime-of-Day of Peak Tides in a Mixed-Tide Regime37122113
9863q6jzTide and Beach Fluctuations and the Mean High Water Line37319132
1rw8m11jSea Surface Temperature Variability at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Pier3617145
4272j700Observations of the shape and group dynamics of rogue waves36117144
4pf94155Short-term retreat statistics of a slowly eroding coastal cliff36414144
5cr1p61cEffects of Southern California Kelp Beds on Waves3616173
5xm4j3pxCDIP wave observations during Hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Maria, and a nor’easter36119142
68p4877hWave monitoring in The Southern California Bight36122121
7052d02zWave power variability and trends across the North Pacific35416132
1qw240t0Relating Future Coastal Conditions to Existing FEMA Flood Hazard Maps: Technical Methods Manual3449174
3z08g0m2Mid-ocean microseisms3421121
4f27b2qmMacrofaunal recolonization of copper-contaminated sediments in San Diego Bay34316123
8vh4m2qzClimate change scenarios and sea level rise estimates for the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment34214162

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.