Specialist Meeting Position Papers and Reports

Parent: Center for Spatial Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
1ks041vpSpatio-Temporal Constraints on Social Networks, Position Papers53642023
4zd660s6Future Directions in Spatial Demography, Position Papers411411115
0h014085Spatial Search, Position Papers33123135
2bb5f4wkSpatial Concepts in GIS and Design, Position Papers2871047
79d3127jAdvancing the Spatially Enabled Smart Campus, Position Papers225458
5n58h9mcSpatial Thinking across the College Curriculum, Position Papers19856
4f6768h4Spatial Thinking across the College Curriculum, Final Report185454
1574r603Volunteered Geographic Information, Introduction and Position Papers177262
64p820kgSpatial Discovery Expert Meeting, Final Report171133
7xx3k2z4Future Directions in Spatial Demography, Final Report157251
8tg6x4j9Advancing the Spatially Enabled Smart Campus, Final Report147313
5tq8v9jmSpatial Information for Human Health, the 2015 Spatial Unconference, Call for Proposals12543
33t8h2nwSpatial Search, Final Report116113
7n94v9nnSpatio-Temporal Constraints on Social Networks, Final Report91431

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.