School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

Parent: UC Merced

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
21k6t3fqDecolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality1,54772582246.9%
62j3w283Epistemic Disobedience and the Decolonial Option: A Manifesto1,18925493521.4%
9x4597bvThe Spanish Colonial Past in the Writer’s Memory: (Post)colonial Nostalgias in Enrique Fernández Lumba’s Hispanofilia Filipina1,072779957.2%
1jq490zn‘It was only a joke’: how racial humour fuels colour-blind ideologies in Mexico and Peru714246903.4%
59w8j02xThinking through the Decolonial Turn: Post-continental Interventions in Theory, Philosophy, and Critique—An Introduction53027225851.3%
2mx6c3s1Desafiando al patriarcado a través del fuego: el empoderamiento de las mujeres en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego de Mariana Enríquez49411238222.7%
6591j76rTransmodernity and Interculturality: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Philosophy of Liberation38218020247.1%
8300c8frSexual Violence and Power: An Examination of the Relationship Between Sexual Violence, Race, Class, and Gender During Slavery3694632312.5%
3rz8h7bbWhite Supremacy, Patriarchy, and Global Capitalism in Migration Studies3625131114.1%
1nc9w26gThe Interpersonal Functions of Empathy: A Relational Perspective3369024626.8%
0tk2n9p3Mary and Elizabeth Tudor: Embracing and Manipulating Gender Expectations3268524126.1%
4d1768q0Arsenal Of Chemistry: The Haber Bosch Process and the Great War3224927315.2%
50q0772nThe Other in Hollywood: Asia and Asian Americans and the Fight Against the Western Perspective31213417842.9%
2g89m2ghNative American Resilience: The Tachi Yokut Tribe and the Preservation of Tribal History and Tradition3065225417.0%
4340t0twA Failure to Care: Colonial Power and Healthcare in Africa, 1850-193930663002.0%
58k9k17tEnrique Dussel’s Transmodernism2953825712.9%
3xt7p9n6Globalization/Coloniality: A Decolonial Definition and Diagnosis2834623716.3%
1n30554mA Critical and Comprehensive Sociological Theory of Race and Racism28112515644.5%
5hg8t7cjEnrique Dussel's Liberation Thought in the Decolonial Turn27710117636.5%
01w7163vDecolonizing Western Uni-versalisms: Decolonial Pluri-versalism from Aimé Césaire to the Zapatistas2559615937.6%
4pz0930vArtemisia Gentileschi from Baroque to Neo-Baroque: Reimagining Female Biblical Figures and the Female Gaze2359214339.1%
320327zmQuality of life in children: A critical examination of concepts, approaches, issues, and future directions2301943684.3%
1h35r6zrAn unconventional collaboration at the college level to improve STEM student success2212002190.5%
68c57144Roberto Bolano's Flower War: Memory, Melancholy, and Pierre Menard2209312742.3%
57c8s9grTransmodernidad: un nuevo paradigma2186914931.7%
7ph4n8sqThe Role of Women in Africa: 5000 BCE-Late Antiquity2123118114.6%
59m869d2From Critical Theory to the Philosophy of Liberation: Some Themes for Dialogue2106414630.5%
2bw9c3bsThe American Empire in the Congo: The Assassination of Patrice Lumumba2094816123.0%
8gw8r8xjLatino immigrant men and the deportation crisis: A gendered racial removal program2028012239.6%
7fv3k41wConfronting and Reducing Sexism: A Call for Research on Intervention1961732388.3%
14c113ww‘Your Vigilance is the Price of Your Freedom! Volunteer for Civil Defense Now!’: Shaping U.S. Public Opinion Using Television as a Propaganda Tool191101815.2%
85p697k6El poeta chino y el modernismo: “Li-Po” de José Juan Tablada1893015915.9%
44t510pcThe Forgotten Soldiers: Mexican-American Soldiers of WWII and the Creation of the G.I. Forum1872116611.2%
62w625whThe Dynamism of the Veil: Veiling and Unveiling as a Means of Creating Identity in Algeria and France1852416113.0%
6zf8707tThe Contradictions of Patriarchy in Early Modern England1852416113.0%
8kz8f6swAfroEspaña antes del boom. Una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre la presencia histórica y el legado cultural negro1856911637.3%
3q27x5bnMilitary as an Institution and Militarization as a Process: Theorizing the U.S. Military and Environmental Justice1782315512.9%
5x15x7nzClarissa’s Passion17481664.6%
83g7c7r4Voices of Dissent: An Essay. By Romila Thapar (Kolkata: Seagull Books, 2020).168121567.1%
8rx3f2x5Reflections of the Public: Gender and Attitude Differences toward Infanticide and Murder163111526.7%
55q4h777Mahmud Traoré y el desafío al discurso hegemónico sobre la representación de la migración subsahariana en España1626110137.7%
4jr190f1Evaluating Group Member Behaviour Under Individualist and Collectivist Norms1601006062.5%
8hv093ktInterventions that target improvements in mental health for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders: A narrative review1591233677.4%
1xh11655Franz Galich: pandillas, militarismo y nomadismo en Managua, Salsa City ¡Devórame otra vez!1581814011.4%
3492v2ptAn Epistemology for the Next Revolution158807850.6%
3w33x7bmEl giro decolonial, el Caribe y la posibilidad de una filosofía poscontinental1573312421.0%
15s6r0n6Did You Listen? Zapatismo and Epistemic Decolonization1541613810.4%
5s2026c8Mexico City, Koans, and the Zen Buddhist Master: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ejo Takata and the Fundamental Lesson of the Death of the Intellect1532013313.1%
4hm2f4pfThe Strategy of Style: Music, Struggle, and the Aesthetics of Sahrawi Nationalism in Exile152121407.9%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.