UCSD Sustainability Solutions Institute

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3ct1z7mzEconomic Analysis of a 3MW Biomass Gasification Power Plant472454.3%
4tv2s434Saving Venice: Engineering and ecology in the Venice lagoon43222151.2%
84t7v6g4UCSD Biomass to Power Economic Feasibility Study38182047.4%
5zw3z33wPotential impacts of global climate change on Tijuana River Watershed hydrology - An initial analysis3382524.2%
1cz4f6kqVenice Sustainability Advisory Panel29151451.7%
3dj2f5mtInformation Infrastructure for Publishing and Integrating Water Resource Data from Pacific Rim Universities in Support of Hydrologic Modeling and Integrated Water Resource Management2191242.9%
8gd6j0k5Knowledge Action Networks: Connecting regional climate change assessments to local action2161528.6%
870746srThe San Diego Foundation Regional Focus 2050 Study1921710.5%
8wh378h7Ice, Snow and Water: impacts of climate change on California and Himalayan Asia1941521.1%
9ww0f79pPoint Loma Outfall Review1721511.8%
21t5z48gThe Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Energy Economy: Exploring UCSD's Role141137.1%
4t81z4f8Metals concentration in salt marshes plants and kelp around San Diego: A window to environment quality1421214.3%
0gz521csCleantech Sense and Sensibility: UCSD and Internet Guru Larry Smarr Push for Wide Adoption of Sensors to Save Energy, Cut Greenhouse Gases110110.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.