University of California Systemwide Libraries

Parent: UC Office of the President

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4b81g01zGuidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries (Version 4)86913673315.7%
8cn0q1nwNegotiating with scholarly journal publishers: A toolkit from the University of California699176822.4%
1sw157j3Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries (Version 3.2)601125892.0%
9cg222jcUC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description 3487227620.7%
4mq1461dStatement on Inclusion and Equity in Special Collections, Archives, and Distinctive Collections in the University of California Libraries320123083.8%
8326n305Pay It Forward: Investigating a Sustainable Model of Open Access Article Processing Charges for Large North American Research Institutions [Final Report]147141339.5%
5gc4r5mgPathways to Open Access1381612211.6%
9190j56cForum Planning Committee’s Report to UC Council of University Librarians on Choosing Pathways to Open Access (CP2OA)11431112.6%
2rq679qxUniversity of California Libraries Digital Reformatting Guidelines79215826.6%
80v318pmUC Digital Preservation Strategy Working Group: Phase One Report75185724.0%
2xh8868jAlma Annual Statistics Analytics Project Team May 2023 Report: Recommendations for standardizing, harmonizing and centralizing the UC Libraries / UC Office of the President Annual Statistics7096112.9%
5174k245The UC Libraries: collaborating for mission, leadership and efficiency6675910.6%
3kq6h67mUniversity of California Digital Preservation Strategy Working Group: Phase Two Report5284415.4%
3268468xUniversity of California Systemwide ILS Request for Proposal32112134.4%
2h36d04fRethinking How We Provide Bibliographic Services for the University of California2351821.7%
58n4727vHolistic Decision-Making Frameworks: Accountability, Transparency, and Communication2231913.6%
5f86d0bbThe University of California Libraries: A Plan for Development: 1978 – 19882061430.0%
1sz1f058Next-Generation Technical Services (NGTS): New Modes for Organizing and Providing Access to Special Collections, Archive, and Digital Formats: Final Report1841422.2%
18g4c325Collection Management Strategies in a Digital Environment. A Project of the Collection Management Initiative of the University of California Libraries. Final Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.168850.0%
77g9950wLibraries of the University of California157846.7%
9s95w7g3University of California School of Librarianship, Annual Reports, July 1952-1960140140.0%
8bg959rbLibrary Planning and Action Initiative Advisory Task Force Final Report1331023.1%
74j5z0pdSystemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee Library Planning Task Force Final Report121118.3%
3r57523bPhase 4 SILS Data Privacy Task Force Charge102820.0%
6dt2b9m1Phase 4 Harmonization Principles & Guidelines100100.0%
12b9h7f0UC School of Librarianship, Annual Reports, July 1947-June 195091811.1%
5598912qPhase 3 Guiding Principles for Designing a SILS Shared Governance Model9090.0%
0b24w297Phase 4 Midterm Report (Public Version). Summary of Work.81712.5%
1xw1g23pSystemwide ILS (SILS) Phase 4 Shared Governance Structure8080.0%
23j8r6shDeveloping a "Copy of Record": Archiving Pilot Project for the University of California. Report of the Task Force on Collaborative Strategies for Archiving of Print in the Digital Environment (PAG)81712.5%
2h80w127Annual Reports of the Libraries of the University of California. 1948-1954.81712.5%
5v08f2h6Phase 3 SILS Cataloging & Metadata Harmonization Pilot Report8080.0%
71x9479xPhase 4 Mission, principles and shared assumptions83537.5%
8bc0k6n1Phase 3 SILS Cost Sharing Task Force Charge8080.0%
9f55z232Update on open access and academic journal contracts: Presentation to the Board of Regents' Academic and Student Affairs Committee8080.0%
0603s42mPhase 3 October Public Report. Summary of Work and recommendations72528.6%
0cm24203Phase 3 Mission, principles, and shared assumptions 71614.3%
1090106dPhase 4 (March 2020-Sept/Dec 2021) Shared Governance Model71614.3%
1kn417fxOngoing UCLAS-integrated SILS structure71614.3%
1r803879A Funding Model and Decision Process Plan for Selective Co‐Investment Opportunities in the UC Libraries: Initiatives, Projects, Agreements, Memberships, etc.72528.6%
43d4j7vjPhase 2 Charge: Working Group for the Systemwide ILS Planning Project 71614.3%
4hf7f45sAnnual Reports of the Libraries of the University of California. 1954-19587070.0%
6t3558zmPhase 3 Abbreviations Glossary7070.0%
7dn978wmPhase 3 Harmonization Pilots Final Report71614.3%
7w2895nrUC Libraries Shared Integrated Library System (SILS) Working Group: An Informal Oral History7070.0%
8vf459szPhase 2 (Exploration) Systemwide ILS Planning Project. Public Report.71614.3%
9qr929qtPhase 4 RLF Configuration Task Force (RCTF) charge71614.3%
0zx256jhPhase 4 Abbreviations Glossary6060.0%
3kc543k4Phase 3 Final Public Report6060.0%
839107ntSystemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information at the University of California: Progress Report 200561516.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.