University of California All Campus Consortium on Research for Diversity

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0269b641Poor Working Conditions Make Urban Schools Hard-to-Staff75453060.0%
427737xtCritical Conditions for Equity and Diversity in College Access: Informing Policy and Monitoring Results63283544.4%
8xq0f06tImproving the Educational Possibilities of Urban High School Students as They Transition from 8 to 9 Grade2451920.8%
0k81x3d7Unlocking the Language of Mathematics to Ensure our English Learners Acquire Algebra23131056.5%
7fj7z68qHow Outreach Programs Are Implemented Affects Students Academic Achievement1881044.4%
6ps2j961Changes in Advanced Placement Test Taking in California High Schools 1998-20031551033.3%
22d4f4k9California Opportunity Indicators: Informing and Monitoring California's Progress Toward Equitable College Access1421214.3%
7nz8x2dxPromoting Literacy and Critical Writing Skills Through Poetry135838.5%
75g9g9zpSchool Integration and Residential Segregation in California: Challenges for Racial Equity126650.0%
5sc0q5tzClosing the Racial Achievement Gap in Diverse California High Schools113827.3%
89t378sxHow Schools Can Shape Peer Relations to Promote Achievement Among Mexican-Origin Youth100100.0%
9w54r4gqTechnology, Academic Preparation, and Equity: A Comparative Study82625.0%
80s462pbTreat Teaching as Learned Profession62433.3%
8bk3p0ckMerit as a Moving Target in Post-Proposition 209 UC Admissions5050.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.