Department of Comparative Literature

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
03d7j97vAcoustic Properties: Radio, Narrative, and the New Neighborhood of the Americas1776711037.9%
55w079x8The Sonic Turn100802080.0%
12m2s61gReal-to-ReelSocial Indexicality, Sonic Materiality, and Literary Media Theory in Eduardo Costa’s Tape Works895845.6%
2c33x22kThe Detective Turned Freudian Psychoanalyst: “Detective Fever” and Confession in Wilkie Collins’ <em>The Moonstone</em>83226126.5%
2sp7x9m6Skeletons in the Hebrew Closet: Yiddish Translations of “In the City of Killing” by Y. L. Peretz and H. N. Bialik and the Conflict over Revival75195625.3%
4z54z97gExcerpt from <em>Domestic Subjects: Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature</em>57124521.1%
188172zgWireless materials: radio cultures in Ireland, Latin America, and the United States at the mid-century52272551.9%
1pc602bpImagining Democracy, Punishment, and Infinity: Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s <em>Carceri d’invenzione</em>47123525.5%
7px7g98fRealismo sonoro y fidelidad literaria: Las obras de cinta de Eduardo Costa45192642.2%
2w15n2mpThe Mark of the Detail: Universalism, Type, Difference36162044.4%
07p7s98pThis American Voice: The Odd Timbre of a New Standard in Public Radio3372621.2%
85s9j07mForgotten Histories of the AudiobookTape, Text, Speech, and Sound from Esteban Montejo and Miguel Barnet’s Biografía de un cimarrón to Andy Warhol’s a: a novel31151648.4%
98f383v0Formative Modernists: Ordinary Sympathy, Sublime Provocation, and Ethics in Thomas Mann and Virginia Woolf3162519.4%
2m19v015In the Cards: Prophecy and the Gamble of Language in Borges's "El truco"2992031.0%
0dq0h1c2Diane...The Personal Voice Recorder in Twin Peaks260260.0%
0zg0d1jpIntroductionLanguage-in-Use and Literary Fieldwork2581732.0%
5wb7s5m0“Rigoberta's Listener”: The Significance of Sound in Testimonio2591636.0%
15v12688No Transmitter: Clandestine Radio Listening Communities in Ricardo Piglia's <em>The Absent City</em>23111247.8%
7g06j721The Archaeology of a Discipline and the Discipline To Come2151623.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.