Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
62m5k813A vertical garden: origins of the Vegetation-Bearing Architectonic Structure and System (1938)2131842986.4%
75635711Inventing Venice:An Urban and Environmental Innovation Model from the Lagoon City154151399.7%
8ds96074Towards topographically sensitive urbanism: re-envisioning earthwork terracing in suburban development1391412510.1%
24z1m79fThin parks / thick edges: towards a linear park typology for (post)infrastructural sites113971685.8%
8qq4g0svCan restoring water and sediment fluxes across a mega-dam cascade alleviate a sinking river delta?10901090.0%
0db0t6j1Successes, Failures and Suggested Future Directions for Ecosystem Restoration of the Middle Sacramento River, California10851034.6%
7mh243wqDisciplinary convergence: landscape architecture and the spatial design disciplines80334741.3%
4w89h96jHyper-realism and loose-reality: the limitations of digital realism and alternative principles in landscape design visualization78374147.4%
8qf248xbInnovations in topographically sensitive urban design: evaluating landform conservation strategies in Perth’s northern suburbs744705.4%
8pj3w5scGreenness, texture, and spatial relationships predict floristic diversity across wetlands of the conterminous United States70106014.3%
9bf3w9k0Sediment Management in Taiwan’s Reservoirs and Barriers to Implementation684645.9%
2b36h45xHow Eco is Eco-Tourism? A Systematic Assessment of Resorts on the Red Sea, Egypt6185313.1%
8gk4t39zCONNECTING CAIRO TO THE NILE Renewing Life and Heritage on the River591581.7%
15f7f764Geospatial Tools for the Large-Scale Monitoring of Wetlands in the San Francisco Estuary: Opportunities and Challenges57193833.3%
5rw9k19jManagement of Coarse Sediment in Regulated Rivers of California52232944.2%
8433436nDesign for Decline: Landscape Architecture Strategies for the Western Australian Wheatbelt49103920.4%
2bt9m5kpDesign with (human) nature: recovering the creative instrumentality of social data in urban design44172738.6%
1hs0d1hvThe Hard Habitats of Coastal Armoring41202148.8%
4qk1c458Ecological History of Los Laureles-Goat Canyon41122929.3%
3q77s4ssFrom High Rise to Coast: Revitalizing Riveira da Barcarena40172342.5%
240754jcLava Life: Homesteading in Kilauea’s Active Rift Zone390390.0%
74m5q8d2The Shape of Things: Re-imagining Landscape Parliaments in the Anthropocene39291074.4%
5wt5r4bpLandscape beauty: A wicked problem in sustainable ecosystem management?37172045.9%
19b88083Things that Matter: Shaping Landscape Agency in the Anthropocene350350.0%
6h60j97cCultivating the City: Instilling Urban Design in Landscape Architectural Education301293.3%
8d21r551The drone’s eye: applications and implications for landscape architecture2920969.0%
23x7w1xhThe mirage of the metropolis: city imaging in the age of digital chorography2891932.1%
4nw9m6x4Concave worlds, artificial horizons: reframing the urban public garden2891932.1%
6bg019kvHow to draw a dust storm27141351.9%
7dm3b1vjUnleveling the Land: On Sand and Lava2432112.5%
0zf444fkHigh Fidelity: Drone Mapping Fills a Missing Link in Site Representation2314960.9%
1k1671xpSustainable sediment management in reservoirs and regulated rivers: Experiences from five continents2316769.6%
4v5934fzRemotely sensed phenological heterogeneity of restored wetlands: linking vegetation structure and function2314960.9%
9p4433h6Prototyping the Mississippi Delta: Patents, alternative futures, and the design of complex environmental systems2315865.2%
04q2778cThe Usefulness of Uselessness: Towards a Landscape Framework for Un-Activated Urban Public Space2215768.2%
01f692dpWaters Resist21111052.4%
59m5s7m2Grounding Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism212199.5%
33v310stLandshape urbanism: The topography of public space2041620.0%
6c8409kvConnecting Cairo to the Nile: Renewing Life and Heritage on the River201195.0%
8vp0d8kxA Fresh Perspective for Managing Water in California: Insights from Applying the European Water Framework Directive to the Russian River2031715.0%
90r0b3p1The geographical dimensions of patent innovation: history, precedents, praxis, and pedagogy, in an expanded field of landscape technology.2011955.0%
77s2w666A Living Mediterranean River: Restoration and Management of the Rio Real in Portugal to Achieve Good Ecological Condition191185.3%
7cb7f2cbSustainable Tourism along the Red Sea: Still Possible?190190.0%
7ck9z0fxReconceptualizing Suburban Terracing: Topographically Responsive Development Scenarios for a Sandy Coastal Site1931615.8%
97048978The landscape of things190190.0%
4513s71nThe Garden of Entangled Paths: Landscape Phenomena at the Albany Bulb Wasteland1841422.2%
4k46d5t1Route Fittko: Tracing Walter Benjamin’s Path of No Return1821611.1%
6bf831swTerritorial Technologies1851327.8%
92f9802gCalifornia's Legacy of Swamplands1851327.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.