Department of Classics

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
9650x69rGreek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 11,19136282930.4%
4jh846pnA Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal909898209.8%
9qw024tsWitchy Woman: Power, Drugs, and Memory in the <em>Odyssey</em>717486696.7%
5xt4952cBetween City and Country: Cultic Dimensions of Dionysus in Athens and Attica56921535437.8%
0mt487s6Genital Depilation and Power in Classical Greece485174683.5%
5hp5t0vtPlaying Offense: A Deeper Look into the Motivations and Significance of Sulla's March on Rome480204604.2%
1071z9t4The Liminal and Universal: Changing Interpretations of Hekate45710635123.2%
4nm542kjTranslation of Catullus 51 and Sappho 31425293966.8%
510508bsThe Rape of Persephone in Children’s Media: Feminist Receptions of Classical Mythology41611829828.4%
2ks0g83xEarly Greek Alchemy, Patronage and Innovation in Late Antiquity3726830418.3%
2123r4bsThe Laudatio Turiae: A Source for Roman Political and Social History363283357.7%
29r3j0gmThe Traffic in Praise: Pindar and the Poetics of Social Economy3559526026.8%
3s05x142The Advantage of the Stronger: Hercules and Cacus in Vergil's Aeneid292262668.9%
9md661nmGanymede the Cup Bearer: Variations and Receptions of the Ganymede Myth265222438.3%
05z6b1b1Greek Satyr Play: Five Studies26410715740.5%
8s20d5ksHellenistic Jewelry &amp; the Commoditization of Elite Greek Women2563821814.8%
16q3c0w4Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle's <em>Metaphysics</em>2372721011.4%
67t7807dSea Monsters in Antiquity: A Classical and Zoological Investigation2313120013.4%
5p2939zcPreliminary Studies on the Scholia to Euripides2203518515.9%
1js6n2rzSocrates in Plato’s Symposium: a lover of wisdom who lacks wisdom on love214181968.4%
3mt6v449Aristotle's Rhetoric: Theory, Truth, and Metarhetoric2071812687.4%
7qm395phMessenger, Prophet, Poet, Bee.202151877.4%
4hb1r5wkFirst in Flight: Etruscan Winged "Demons"1965713929.1%
3vn1z4gnEpictetus and the Meaning of Life1892016910.6%
60d532fzThe Philosophical Satire of Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche: Alignment and Contradiction in Allusions to Plato and Lucretius172111616.4%
7zv7f9zsThucydides' Mytilenean Debate: Fifth Century Rhetoric and its Representation16771604.2%
1pb8b0m4<em>Catullus 51</em>: Translated from Latin to English16291535.6%
277725g0Augustus and Auctoritas1511094272.2%
25986405Schiller's Naive and Sentimental Poetry and the Modern Idea of Pastoral148856357.4%
2g79p68qStudia Pindarica (Digital Version 2006)1483211621.6%
40r9q64kAncient Roman Spaces that Served as Museums14541412.8%
8116j3ncAugust W. Schlegel, Comparaison entre la Phèdre de Racine et celle d'Euripide: a digital edition14521431.4%
18j8344n<em>Heroides 1</em> as a Programmatic Letter1423710526.1%
56m627tsThe Declension of Bloom: Grammar, Diversion, and Union in Joyce’s <em>Ulysses</em>14011390.7%
4920f86gThe Ionic Friezes of the Hephaisteion in the Athenian Agora1381911913.8%
17j7v1xqManly Women and Womanly Men: An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Inversions in Terence’s Hecyra136667048.5%
4s7827pbGoethes Chinesisch-Deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten1321072581.1%
24j654spPhilia in Euripides' Medea1232210117.9%
3x96r415Callimachean Poetics12221201.6%
94w5f6rqEdgar J. Goodspeed, America’s First Papyrologist120348628.3%
2j81390fPatterns of Gender in Aeschylean Drama: Seven against Thebes and the Danaid Trilogy113516245.1%
1n57m2mfCharting the Unknown: Alice Kober, Her Phonetic Chart, and the Decipherment of Linear B109268323.9%
21k0q422Contact and Discontinuity: Some Conventions of Speech and Action on the Greek Tragic Stage109278224.8%
8zv1j39hThe Chorus of Aeschylus' Choephori1049958.7%
2ch893d5Plaster Casts at Berkeley. Collections of the Hearst Museum of Anthropology &amp; Department of Classics at UC Berkeley. An Exhibition of Rare Plaster Casts of Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture. 2nd edition 2005, pp. vi + 76 + ii97168116.5%
060915fvAncient Information War within Greek Colonial Narratives: An Analysis of the Theraian-Cyrenean Founding Myth through Historiography and Archaeology95346135.8%
06c6k7dvReception of Epicureanism at Rome: Cicero, Lucretius, and the Flexibility of Greek Models in the Late Republic913883.3%
2545790mDearest to be Man's Companion: Hermes, Divine Aid and Agency894854.5%
5sm203gkGifts to Apollo: Tracking Delphi’s Changing Role through Dedicatory Practice8897910.2%
8th356bkThe Barbarian Dux Femina: A Study in Creating Boudicca87454251.7%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.