Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Parent: Medical Student Research Forum Posters

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6d23f0csAssessing Resilience as a Mediator in the Association between Positive Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress among Health Professions Students313289.7%
7kr109cvDiversity in Journal Editorial Review Boards in Psychiatry and Neuroscience282267.1%
08c7w6zhHybrid model free psychiatry clinic reduces barriers to mental health care222209.1%
9t26r12kAdverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Impact in a High-Risk Adolescent Population200200.0%
14z0d1bvThe Uses of the BOT-2 for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder1721511.8%
6tk8x6pxEfficacy of an Automated Conversational Agent on Postpartum Mental Health: A Randomized, Controlled Trial161156.3%
9jn6050sEffects of Training Primary Care Clinicians to Diagnose and Treat Psychiatric Illness: A Closer Look at the UC Davis / UC Irvine Train New Trainers Primary Care Psychiatry Fellowship1631318.8%
4tf2n8p6Parental Bonding Styles and Their Association with Childhood Maltreatment Along the California-Mexico Border141137.1%
7182v1wzAccuracy in Different Emotional States in Emotional Go No-Go Task with TD and ADHD141137.1%
7w3195mrSuicide by Self-Inflicted Burns –A Persistent Psychiatric Problem1321115.4%
84s443tbAn Ecologically Valid Measure of Cognitive Control Needed for Daily Living in Autistic Adolescents and Young Adults120120.0%
61p8111kAutomated Machine Translation - A Means to Circumvent Challenges Associated with Interpreters7070.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.