University of California Energy Institute

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3ws6r3j4The Market Value and Cost of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Production4495639312.5%
11w8d6m4Dynamic Pricing, Advanced Metering, and Demand Response in Electricity Markets35210424829.5%
4bf4j0gwDoing Well By Doing Good? Green Office Buildings1492912019.5%
2dk5g982The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather14751423.4%
4pd8s3h1Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Indiana147141339.5%
3d8252zpDoes Extending Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence from an Australian Experiment11381057.1%
1h6141njThe Effect of Improved Fuel Economy on Vehicle Miles Traveled: Estimating the Rebound Effect Using U.S. State Data, 1966-2001107129511.2%
7vq1m8mqMarket Power in California's Gasoline Market815766.2%
3sr1h8ncEquity Effects of Increasing-Block Electricity Pricing75235230.7%
3td3n1x1Residential Customer Response to Real-time Pricing: The Anaheim Critical Peak Pricing Experiment73235031.5%
06h949cjQuantifying the Air Pollution Exposure Consequences of Distributed Electricity Generation646589.4%
3fg2r29sUnderstanding Crude Oil Prices60204033.3%
2159m46pMeasuring Market Inefficiencies in California's Restructured Wholesale Electricity Market58203834.5%
74s774zjClearing the Air? The Effects of Gasoline Content Regulation on Air Quality54144025.9%
744256hhRoad Pricing and Public Transport5274513.5%
53q5q8rsTaxes and Trading versus Intensity Standards: Second-Best Environmental Policies with Incomplete Regulation (Leakage) or Market Power514477.8%
86m171mnEvidence of a Shift in the Short-Run Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand484448.3%
27r2k4nfExplaining the Price of Voluntary Carbon Offsets45172837.8%
1nm1408vA Motor-Integrated Parallel Hybrid Transmission43133030.2%
0wj3x8bmDoes Britain or The United States Have the Right Gas Tax?4263614.3%
4g746523Economic and Emissions Implications of Load-Based, Source-based and First-seller Emissions Trading Programs under California AB3240162440.0%
9tk2c4s9Electricity Rate Structures and the Economics of Solar PV: Could Mandatory Time-of-Use Rates Undermine California’s Solar Photovoltaic Subsidies?3773018.9%
3qb650hhDo Households Smooth Small Consumption Shocks? Evidence from Anticipated and Unanticipated Variation in Home Energy Costs3653113.9%
09v4k44bTowards a Sustainable Energy Balance: Progressive Efficiency and the Return of Energy Conservation3572820.0%
6dr9d5kwAdditions to a Design Tool for Visualizing the Energy Implications of California’s Climates35241168.6%
8dv5c0t1Ownership Change, Incentives and Plant Efficiency: The Divestiture of U.S. Electric Generation Plants35132237.1%
34c206t9The Long-Run Efficiency of Real-Time Electricity Pricing3462817.6%
6br429mfUsing Environmental Emissions Permit Prices to Raise Electricity Prices: Evidence from the California Electricity Market3092130.0%
99k818c4The Potential of Cellulosic Ethanol Production from Municipal Solid Waste: A Technical and Economic Evaluation3062420.0%
0mx44472Speculative Trading and Market Performance: The Effect of Arbitrageurs on Efficiency and Market Power in the New York Electricity Market2972224.1%
2c96w6ffFrom Investor-owned Utility to Independent Power Producer29101934.5%
6266b54fAsymmetric Price Adjustment and Consumer Search: An Examination of the Retail Gasoline Market2992031.0%
37z0q55pA New Design Tool for Visualizing the Energy Implications of California's Climates272257.4%
5kv1k2hrOligopoly Equilibria in Electricity Contract Markets2762122.2%
2k54m0zkOn the Efficiency of Competitive Electricity Markets With Time-Invariant Retail Prices2652119.2%
5sf4m6rrRetail Policies and Competition in the Gasoline Industry2681830.8%
6m3355kjCalifornia's Greenhouse Gas Policies: Local Solutions to a Global Problem?2652119.2%
9241c68tMarket Structure and Competition: A Cross-Market Analysis of U.S. Electricity Deregulation2532212.0%
26k8h7v9Vertical Integration in Restructured Electricity Markets: Measuring Market Efficiency and Firm Conduct2442016.7%
7xg1t4chWhy Do Companies Rent Green? Real Property and Corporate Social Responsibility2461825.0%
8jh5x7z4Decision-making in Electricity Generation Based on Global Warming Potential and Life-cycle Assessment for Climate Change2442016.7%
54c0f88gEmissions Trading, Electricity Industry Restructuring, and Investment in Pollution Abatement2351821.7%
3zn6s6nfTesting Strategic Models of Firm Behavior in Restructured Electricity Markets: A Case Study of ERCOT222209.1%
4bz9j4wrModeling and Computing Two-settlement Oligopolistic Equilibrium in a Congested Electricity Network2215768.2%
7nm2f6sxWhen it comes to Demand Response, is FERC its Own Worst Enemy?2231913.6%
2m41d45sDo Americans Consume Too Little Natural Gas? An Empirical Test of Marginal Cost Pricing212199.5%
8913v4bkAn Empirical Assessment of the Competitiveness of the New England Electricity Market2171433.3%
8tq6z6t0Ensuring Generation Adequacy in Competitive Electricity Markets2151623.8%
0v38t8r8Valuing the Time-Varying Electricity Production of Solar Photovoltaic Cells200200.0%
31r8p2jvModeling Flow and Heat Transfer Through Porous Media for High Heat Flux Applications2031715.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.