Department of Language Science

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
1kx005x6Assimilation of Immigrants1,214264355345250
9hw9c28dThe Criminalization of Immigration in the United States17423277747
7544r8x5Same benefits, different communication patterns: Comparing Children's reading with a conversational agent vs. a human partner16736404744
9zm4h7nfVirtual Inclusion via Telepresence Robots in the Classroom: An Exploratory Case Study13729335025
0zb1733zThe Benefits of Multilingualism to the Personal and Professional Development of Residents of the US12430223042
1gc0413mTheoretical Overview: Theories of International Migration and Immigrant Adaptation11934233230
1jk4j0sdTies that Bind: Immigration and Immigrant Families1081394937
2213f1k6Immigration and Public Policy10433242819
1mt9p3wxThe role of bilingual discussion prompts in shared E-book reading9824272324
0d9886dxComputational Thinking and Literacy9014213322
8v95n5ttComputer Science for Multilingual Students8520162128
9fz399g8Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America8319272017
66x622zdThe Effects of Exposure to Differing Amounts of Misinformation and Source Credibility Perception on Source Monitoring and Memory Accuracy781893219
8361g6phAuditory, Visual and Audiovisual Speech Processing Streams in Superior Temporal Sulcus6819152311
2zj6w25jA Survey of Potential Jurors’ Perceptions of Interrogations and Confessions6717221612
8hd869zpImmigration and crime and the criminalization of immigration66918318
8bm1r1r0Individualized response to semantic vs. phonological aphasia therapies in stroke6514162312
1ct0q75wSharpening Our Tools: A Systematic Review to Identify Diagnostically Accurate Language Sample Measures.6113142014
74m5j4z4Tablet-Based eBooks for Young Children6014132013
1rw6t612Dialogue with a conversational agent promotes children’s story comprehension via enhancing engagement531912148
2392z8btThe Evolution of Ethnic Identity From Adolescence to Middle Adulthood: The Case of the Immigrant Second Generation519131712
6235t25bScaffolding learning of language structures with visual‐syntactic text formatting516122112
7q55s0g2Integration of Computational Thinking Into English Language Arts 49891517
3j61f7x5Individual Differences in Children’s Suggestibility: An Updated Review457101513
5nt2q3z7Juror Perceptions of Intoxicated Suspects’ Interrogation-Related Behaviors451051911
8798n03xImmigration and Incarceration: Patterns and Predictors of Imprisonment among First- and Second-Generation Young Adults44618119
35c556f5Ethnicities: Children of immigrants in America42712203
50k0s1hrLanguage experience and the brain: variability, neuroplasticity, and bilingualism421110138
1tz15081Interactional Context Mediates the Consequences of Bilingualism for Language and Cognition411111136
1mv5c1j5Moving Patterns of Immigrant Settlement and Spatial Mobility4078169
4r11h78nTactics for increasing resistance to misinformation401310107
8v75p2v5Hispanics in the United States: Origins and Destinies401210135
4k04f3ztPerspective taking and language features in secondary students’ text-based analytical writing38158123
11g6t4n8Language Diversity and Resilience37610165
337773bkThe Affordances and Contradictions of AI-Generated Text for Second Language Writers3789173
8r23r816ChatGPT in education: global reactions to AI innovations.36581211
04n906m1Theory of mind, mental state talk, and discourse comprehension: Theory of mind process is more important for narrative comprehension than for informational text comprehension35128123
5bz8s7r0Narrative Skills, Gender, Culture, and Children’s Long-Term Memory Accuracy of a Staged Event35156113
00v53864Neural signatures of inhibitory control in bilingual spoken production3347139
9qw34780Effective writing instruction for students in grades 6 to 12: a best evidence meta-analysis3392148
01s4h3dwDesirable Difficulties in Vocabulary Learning.3146183
4vw2g0m6Visual-Syntactic Text Format: Improving Adolescent Literacy3189104
6k5084pjVisual Field Maps of the Visual Cortex3113666
2s6196gmInfluences of individual, text, and assessment factors on text/discourse comprehension in oral language (listening comprehension)3068106
0tj3f6r2Differential effects of direct and cross examination on mock jurors’ perceptions and memory in cases of child sexual abuse287786
3d40n476The Three Phases of U.S.-Bound Immigration: From 1880 to the Present2834138
5cf7f7z7Crosslinguistic Transfer of Higher Order Cognitive Skills and Their Roles in Writing for English-Spanish Dual Language Learners.2817191
7dq8j0t3Exploring the Intersectional Development of Computer Science Identities in Young Latinas277668
7mn0v5fqAssessing the Effects of Recent Immigration on Serious Property Crime in Austin, Texas2786103
731798dvEquity in online learning2617351

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.