School of Social Ecology

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
1kx005x6Assimilation of Immigrants803250175199179
7j0003j0The Four Step Model767187159217204
2bv79313Translating Social Ecological Theory into Guidelines for Community Health Promotion544205113114112
10v221g7Medical waste: Current challenges and future opportunities for sustainable management535142128132133
8ct1257hSymbolic Sexuality and Economic Work in Dominica, West Indies: The Naturalization of Sex and Women's Work in Development40973534126
9m96b29gMemory experts’ beliefs about repressed memory392262385141
0r75311tThe Four Step Model322119736268
2m62b74dSocial Movements and Public Policy: Eggs, Chicken, and Theory305484969139
4sq842n0Religion and place attachment: A study of sacred places30270885886
4b6787gkWhatever does not kill us: cumulative lifetime adversity, vulnerability, and resilience.30160739375
17q604gfAfterschool programs, extracurricular activities, and unsupervised time: Are patterns of participation linked to children's academic and social well-being?288107518545
48h6w83pWhat Works in Early Childhood Education Programs?: A Meta–Analysis of Preschool Enhancement Programs27872915461
8g33n86cTheorizing Practice and Practicing Theory26374606465
5tq6s58mCircular economy and electronic waste26147827557
41d1k8mjAchievement Gaps in the Wake of COVID-1924563547256
4xt2f1q4Emotion and False Memory23544544097
3d675082Constructing Difference: Lego® Set Narratives Promote Stereotypic Gender Roles and Play23052635362
0b8976wkTesting the School‐to‐Prison Pipeline21445457747
6n0926j0Psychological and Health Outcomes of Perceived Information Overload20762534745
4bc425grItem-wording and the dimensionality of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: do they matter?20040504664
8tn1w17sImpacts of motor vehicle operation on water quality - Clean-up Costs and Policies18546434650
6rb6f923Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change18434545343
91t1q756Beyond Happiness: Building a Science of Discrete Positive Emotions18453413852
6nf2v4r1Development of a Short Version of the Modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale18345445836
86h7f5v0The Activity-Based Approach18235554745
0dt7b1zpPositive Affect and Health: What Do We Know and Where Next Should We Go?18053314749
2kc9v3vfA systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change17851505819
9k92888pRevisiting the Marshmallow Test: A Conceptual Replication Investigating Links Between Early Delay of Gratification and Later Outcomes17839563053
7463f1tkUse of Digital Mental Health for Marginalized and Underserved Populations17744573541
1mj701djImproving fluid intelligence with training on working memory: a meta-analysis17330455444
7gq687drSacred space and place attachment17330674531
8gn9r5bgEstablishing and Maintaining Healthy Environments17039414842
1c96s2gdThe added impact of parenting education in early childhood education programs: A meta-analysis16935533744
6vr6m6hbThe Anthropology of Money16858472637
65n420dzThinking about feelings: The development and organizationof emotional knowledge16719584842
0cb4b22wJuvenile court in the school-prison nexus: youth punishment, schooling and structures of inequality16427332282
7w616491“When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin16433475232
1ck4f58hYouth Violence: What We Know and What We Need to Know16351434326
7c0287pgTheoretical approaches to the promotion of physical activity: Forging a transdisciplinary paradigm16150364134
2dm9g4pjFood insecurity, poor diet, and metabolic measures: The roles of stress and cortisol15711292988
9x5078wjThe science of team science: Overview of the field and introduction to the supplement15764363918
53c7773fMisinformation – past, present, and future15634573530
9hw9c28dThe Criminalization of Immigration in the United States15347333736
2h1562k3Convicting with confidence? Why we should not over-rely on eyewitness confidence15250344226
37v358jgAssessing Crime as a Problem15243393634
7br14384Population Migration and the Variation of Dopamine D4 Receptor (DRD4) Allele Frequencies Around the Globe15237404431
31w714g5Prosocial Behaviors and Development14033303740
69c8x47tPostoperative pain: factors and tools to improve pain management in children.13618504325
9609v0sdA Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty13431423625
8mw4r00mThe Paradox of Environmental Psychology13337442131

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.