The UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
59m0v8pdKheshbn No. 150 - Fall 2007 - Journal95217422.1%
88x128qnIsh Yair – A Finf Un Zekhtsiker / Ish Yair – At 6590177318.9%
1d2749z6Tsvey Hundert Yor Los Andzsheles/ : Two Hunderd Years in Los Angeles8197211.1%
50x241s4Vegn Khayim Potaks Noveln / Regarding Chaim Potok’s Novels78166220.5%
61q507g3Khesbn no. 64-65 - Fall 1971 - Journal78641482.1%
0xm3n6n3Khesbn no. 59-60 - Spring - Summer 1970 - Journal70601085.7%
34b362xbKhesbn no. 28 - Jaunary 1962 - Journal69333647.8%
32z4b74mReyzele (Lid)/ Reyzele (Poem)672653.0%
8hv8s41kKhesbn no. 42-43 - September 1965 - Journal65531281.5%
3qx345fvDi Eybike Yerushalayim / The Eternal Jerusalem64501478.1%
7303h2tsKhesbn NO. 6 - October 1955 - Journal62491379.0%
1m05c5d3Khesbn no. 98 - Autumn 1981 - Journal60471378.3%
7nc95227Khesbn no. 67-68 - Spring 1972 - Journal58481082.8%
19v2j22jKheshbn No. 21 - May 1960 - Journal5648885.7%
8tn4s94pReyd Fun Talmidey Khakhomim / Words of Learned Men56441278.6%
2ft6s0d1Khesbn no. 54 - January-March 1969 - Journal51401178.4%
3vx3j4r3Khesbn no. 77-78 - October 1974 - Journal50252550.0%
1t31940pIkh Dermon Zikh / I Remember49381177.6%
9c43v4fhKhesbn no. 71-72 - April 1973 - Journal49391079.6%
1h24w9vxKhesbn no. 9 - January 1957 - Journal48341470.8%
2929q6w3Khesbn no. 83-84 - April 1976 - Journal4839981.3%
49n3g65mKhesbn no. 48-49 - November-December 1967 - Journal48321666.7%
5142s91dTsu 35tn Yortog Fun Oyfshtand In Varshever Geto / On the 35th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising47331470.2%
5w5021tpDer Gaystiker Klimat In Der Yidisher Amerike/ The Spiritual Climate in Jewish America47341372.3%
01w0n5z9Oyfn Rand/ On the Margin46321469.6%
0f31k88bKheshbn No. 20 - January 1960 - Entire Journal46351176.1%
83w4209jYunge Libe/ Young Love46351176.1%
03g0z707Khesbn no. 73-74 - October 1973 - Journal45301566.7%
4888z08nKhesbn no. 61-62 - Autumn - Winter 1970-1971 - Journal45331273.3%
86d8n83zKhesbn no. 26-27 - October 1961 - Journal45311468.9%
0d07k869Khesbn no. 66 - Winter 1971 - Journal4435979.5%
35s6f67pHaynt Iz Eybik (Lider Fun Malke Khayfets Tuzman) / Today is Forever (Poems of Malka Heifetz Tussman)44301468.2%
4bz3j0wzUCLA’s First Yiddish Moment: Max Weinreich at UCLA in 1948 44103422.7%
68r599vqBleterndik Di Bikher Fun Avrum Golomb / Leafing Through the Books of Abraham Golomb44281663.6%
9mm3n67xKhesbn no. 58 - Winter 1970 - Journal44331175.0%
19h2p5q1“Mayn Mame” fun Yitzkhok Burshteyn-Finer ( “My Mother” by Isaac Burstein-Finer)43331076.7%
5hg330v9Tsvey Lider/ Two Poems43301369.8%
0h74c66zKhesbn. no 56-57 - October - December 1968 - Journal42291369.0%
0m84r375Ir Zuns Bar-Mitsve/ Her Son’s Bar-Mitzvah42321076.2%
2bd9v3p9Khaver Golomb Helft Mir Vern A Lererin / Mr. Golomb Is Helping Me to Become a Teacher42301271.4%
3fw0413sIntegrale Yidishkayt (Integral Jewishness)4233978.6%
3s67f556Integrale Yidishkayt (Rand Bamerkungen Vegn Tsentraler Ideye) / Integral Yiddishkayt (Marginal Observations About The Central Idea)4233978.6%
4mn862rpKhesbn no. 79-80 - April 1975 - Journal42311173.8%
5hd9x1g2Khesbn no. 75-76 - Spring 1974 - Journal42301271.4%
79s4v01pA Yingele Fun Poyln / A Little Boy From Poland42241857.1%
9z16j0smTable of Contents Kheshbn No. 924235783.3%
1rw0g4jgKhesbn no. 51 - April-June 1968 - Journal41301173.2%
2t32609bMotke Der Geler/ Motke the Red4133880.5%
7hp4d1h6Fun Yom Hashoa Bizn Yom Haatsmaut / From Holocaust Memorial Day to Israeli Independence Day41113026.8%
9573b41hKheshbn No. 13- January 1958 - Journal41311075.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.