The UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
59m0v8pdKheshbn No. 150 - Fall 2007 - Journal10218293124
88x128qnIsh Yair – A Finf Un Zekhtsiker / Ish Yair – At 659417273218
1d2749z6Tsvey Hundert Yor Los Andzsheles/ : Two Hunderd Years in Los Angeles9216292522
50x241s4Vegn Khayim Potaks Noveln / Regarding Chaim Potok’s Novels9016292223
34b362xbKhesbn no. 28 - Jaunary 1962 - Journal751182729
32z4b74mReyzele (Lid)/ Reyzele (Poem)7310232119
0xm3n6n3Khesbn no. 59-60 - Spring - Summer 1970 - Journal718312210
8hv8s41kKhesbn no. 42-43 - September 1965 - Journal65262514
3qx345fvDi Eybike Yerushalayim / The Eternal Jerusalem631252413
19v2j22jKheshbn No. 21 - May 1960 - Journal604252110
61q507g3Khesbn no. 64-65 - Fall 1971 - Journal593123014
8tn4s94pReyd Fun Talmidey Khakhomim / Words of Learned Men572192115
7nc95227Khesbn no. 67-68 - Spring 1972 - Journal54152217
1m05c5d3Khesbn no. 98 - Autumn 1981 - Journal5229185
3vx3j4r3Khesbn no. 77-78 - October 1974 - Journal52282220
1t31940pIkh Dermon Zikh / I Remember501132214
2ft6s0d1Khesbn no. 54 - January-March 1969 - Journal4823187
49n3g65mKhesbn no. 48-49 - November-December 1967 - Journal4727164
7303h2tsKhesbn NO. 6 - October 1955 - Journal47152210
0f31k88bKheshbn No. 20 - January 1960 - Entire Journal46141814
0d07k869Khesbn no. 66 - Winter 1971 - Journal45225144
19h2p5q1“Mayn Mame” fun Yitzkhok Burshteyn-Finer ( “My Mother” by Isaac Burstein-Finer)45225153
5142s91dTsu 35tn Yortog Fun Oyfshtand In Varshever Geto / On the 35th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising4528134
5w5021tpDer Gaystiker Klimat In Der Yidisher Amerike/ The Spiritual Climate in Jewish America45161613
68r599vqBleterndik Di Bikher Fun Avrum Golomb / Leafing Through the Books of Abraham Golomb45130122
79s4v01pA Yingele Fun Poyln / A Little Boy From Poland45724104
83w4209jYunge Libe/ Young Love4526172
01w0n5z9Oyfn Rand/ On the Margin44151712
03g0z707Khesbn no. 73-74 - October 1973 - Journal43316186
1h24w9vxKhesbn no. 9 - January 1957 - Journal4319159
2t32609bMotke Der Geler/ Motke the Red43323143
35s6f67pHaynt Iz Eybik (Lider Fun Malke Khayfets Tuzman) / Today is Forever (Poems of Malka Heifetz Tussman)43225133
3fw0413sIntegrale Yidishkayt (Integral Jewishness)43127114
3s67f556Integrale Yidishkayt (Rand Bamerkungen Vegn Tsentraler Ideye) / Integral Yiddishkayt (Marginal Observations About The Central Idea)43123145
4888z08nKhesbn no. 61-62 - Autumn - Winter 1970-1971 - Journal43222136
0m84r375Ir Zuns Bar-Mitsve/ Her Son’s Bar-Mitzvah4225152
3tv4c87vA Gefangener In Shpin-Geveb (Fragment Fun A Dertseylung)/ A Prisoner In the Spiderweb (Fragment of a Story)42423132
4mn862rpKhesbn no. 79-80 - April 1975 - Journal4262016
5hg330v9Tsvey Lider/ Two Poems4225134
9c43v4fhKhesbn no. 71-72 - April 1973 - Journal4219185
9z16j0smTable of Contents Kheshbn No. 9242125133
37b9m567Di Krom Oyfn Handls-Mark (The Store on the Commerce-Market)41322142
3xz894wvThe New York Yiddish Press and The Province / Di Nyu Yorker Yidishe Prese Un Di Provints41321152
7hp4d1h6Fun Yom Hashoa Bizn Yom Haatsmaut / From Holocaust Memorial Day to Israeli Independence Day41311189
9573b41hKheshbn No. 13- January 1958 - Journal4122163
1rw0g4jgKhesbn no. 51 - April-June 1968 - Journal4021172
2929q6w3Khesbn no. 83-84 - April 1976 - Journal4010219
5hd9x1g2Khesbn no. 75-76 - Spring 1974 - Journal40118174
86d8n83zKhesbn no. 26-27 - October 1961 - Journal40116158
8sr0b30kSholem Aleichem in English / Sholem Aleykhem In English40226111

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.