Recent Works

Parent: Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
403071pzThickness of the crust of Mercury from geoid‐to‐topography ratios12438413015
5jx2s2smHeat transfer by rapidly rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection11539352318
62k0726hMechanics of inner core super‐rotation11235392810
5bm6n165On the theory of core-mantle coupling1114531269
7361k8c5Anomalous rotation of the inner core and the toroidal magnetic field1074133276
6qz5k7jnAxisymmetric simulations of libration-driven fluid dynamics in a spherical shell geometry1023335268
7xq1k8rqLibration‐driven flows in ellipsoidal shells1014328219
8fx1f8czPredominance of ECH wave contribution to diffuse aurora in Earth's outer magnetosphere10036312211
97s3x12hRotating convective turbulence in Earth and planetary cores9840251914
37d352q9Unravelling the large-scale circulation modes in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection (a) Contribution to the Focus Issue Turbulent Thermal Convection edited by Mahendra Verma and Jörg Schumacher.953731207
47j2c0qjThermal evidence for Taylor columns in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection954329176
94r5r998OSS (Outer Solar System): a fundamental and planetary physics mission to Neptune, Triton and the Kuiper Belt9331331613
3m22m0rxPolar and mid-latitude vortices and zonal flows on Jupiter and Saturn923229229
5ch2w82qInfluence of methane seepage on isotopic signatures in living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, 79° N913825226
7sr6v0fwRegimes of Coriolis-Centrifugal Convection913228229
9jt5d84bConvection-driven kinematic dynamos at low Rossby and magnetic Prandtl numbers: Single mode solutions9024292413
31r7q1j8Tornado-like vortices in the quasi-cyclostrophic regime of Coriolis-centrifugal convection8930242114
0t18v5vfAccelerating functional materials discovery Insights from geological sciences, data-driven approaches, and computational advances872728248
83j959mcΔ 13 CH 3 D and Δ 12 CH 2 D 2 signatures of methane aerobically oxidized by Methylosinus trichosporium with implications for deciphering the provenance of methane gases8726311911
1qp6d98wMicrobial Community Response to Simulated Petroleum Seepage in Caspian Sea Sediments863133193
1v0549nfRotating thermal convection in liquid gallium: multi-modal flow, absent steady columns8626262410
8xq8z0g8Superfast precipitation of energetic electrons in the radiation belts of the Earth8620292215
02w1x7ncThermal evidence for Taylor columns in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection853626176
7w78r8q4Strong zonal winds from thermal convection in a rotating spherical shell842824248
14x4s6kpSulfur's impact on core evolution and magnetic field generation on Ganymede833425195
3m11w73fBoundary layer control of rotating convection systems812129238
2m86n9zwLocal heating of radiation belt electrons to ultra-relativistic energies802529215
73m7x0zqNitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone802726189
8hz43445High Arctic wetting reduces permafrost carbon feedbacks to climate warming8022242014
1mj2r8jnExperimental pub crawl from Rayleigh–Bénard to magnetostrophic convection782326236
2td732sdBenthic Dinitrogen Fixation Traversing the Oxygen Minimum Zone Off Mauritania (NW Africa)752035182
6r8132hmA comparison of oceanic and continental mantle lithosphere743419912
0f86k0q7The influence of temperature and seawater carbonate saturation state on <sup>13</sup>C–<sup>18</sup>O bond ordering in bivalve mollusks712226194
40f8c0s7Chorus intensity modulation driven by time‐varying field‐aligned low‐energy plasma692222196
6g8384vkEvaporation induced <sup>18</sup>O and <sup>13</sup>C enrichment in lake systems: A global perspective on hydrologic balance effects6920221116
1b7778b5Ideas and perspectives: A strategic assessment of methane and nitrous oxide measurements in the marine environment682320214
6gg8t63nMethanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation: Evidence from Field and Laboratory Studies651115309
18j8b3nzFirst observations of core-transiting seismic phases on Mars642620126
3x07r0k2Water Reservoirs in Small Planetary Bodies: Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets64322084
26p4c1cdConvective heat transfer and the pattern of thermal emission on the gas giants632219184
5b65v425Temperature limits to deep subseafloor life in the Nankai Trough subduction zone6321191310
0g80w59xDiopside, enstatite and forsterite solubilities in H2O and H2O-NaCl solutions at lower crustal and upper mantle conditions62252476
5z9208xzCorrigendum to “Zircon solubility and zirconium complexation in H2O+Na2O+SiO2±Al2O3 fluids at high pressure and temperature” [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 349–350 (2012) 15–25]62242369
8x49t27bSimulation of equatorial and high-latitude jets on Jupiter in a deep convection model58301864
4ms8b9ngConvective heat transfer in planetary dynamo models54321633
4rh4t5cjRegional stratification at the top of Earth's core due to core–mantle boundary heat flux variations531417715
02j2c6kfConstraints on the martian crust away from the InSight landing site.50281732
0s53f84bPrimitive Variable Determination in Conservative Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations50251771
8wh2862hMeasurements of thermal conductivity across the B1-B2 phase transition in NaCl50271724
0cs6n74dSystemic racial disparities in funding rates at the National Science Foundation49162265

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.