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Parent: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
4sf0p1stRacial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Health Insurance and Health Care22142575567
9zc7p54bDesigned for Disease: The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes19423546354
8ds5h7k3Undocumented and Uninsured: Barriers to Affordable Care for Immigrant Population10024361624
1fj3h5cjBubbling Over: Soda Consumption and Its Link to Obesity in California8912152141
3s89c1cmThe State of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health in California Report7331201210
8wr3t0zcA Patchwork of Progress: Changes in Overweight and Obesity Among California 5th, 7th, and 9th Graders, 2005-2010663413127
62m2f9k6Is There a Shortage of Dental Hygienists and Assistants in California?: Findings from the 2003 California Dental Survey642024812
7sf9t5wxDesigned for Disease: The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes6411231515
0ds8j0w9The Health Status and Unique Health Challenges or Rural Older Adults in California631424916
4ww2p7v4Teens Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Lack Access to Parks and Get Less Physical Activity62923921
2sx1f4vsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Burden in California and Southern California, 2011591130810
8bd4f5zpImproving Access Through Health Insurance Coverage and Safety Net Expansion: A Review of the Literature57311565
7w11g8v3The Link Between Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Abuse and Mental Health in California491314139
42x5z4jnAccess to Safe Parks Helps Increase Physical Activity Among Teenagers47181973
1pt6t9h3Medi-Cal Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: Significant Increase in Coverage with Minimal Cost to the State46231544
99x9x37cOlder Adults Need Twice the Federal Poverty Level to Make Ends Meet in California45131697
1s94d9g0Delivery of Sexually Transmitted Disease Services in Medicaid Managed Care4424191
10h7g4rzAssuring Children’s Accessto Pediatric Subspecialty Care in California4318187
9187p8fhSingle Mothers in California: Understanding Their Health Insurance Coverage43122434
1bv483kwAdult Mental Health Needs in California: Findings from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey41191543
9nf015m6The State of Health Insurance in California: Long-Term and Intermittent Lack of Health Insurance Coverage41211334
01c989xwHealth of Older Californians: County Data Book40171643
5kr7g285The State of Health Insurance in California: Findings from the 2003 California Health Interview Survey40181543
1nx0z8pvThe High Cost of Caring: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren37910612
7244h6wqBetter Outcomes, Lower Costs: Palliative Care Program Reduces Stress, Costs of Care for Children With Life-Threatening Conditions377101010
14g1w8s7Unaffordable Dental Care Is Linked to Frequent School Absences3611997
7942z7w7Chronic Conditions of Californians: Findings from the 2003 Health Interview Survey36211221
7mj5d848Diabetes on the Rise in California3591862
5407m7mhNearly Four Million Californians Are Food Insecure33151116
2vb096qpMore California Teens Consume Soda and Fast Food Each Day Than Five Servings of Fruits and Vegetables32101093
5xp775t6Physical Activity, Park Access and Park Use among California Adolescents3291283
678449g9More Than 2.9 Million Californians Now Food Insecure -- One in Three Low-Income, An Increase in Just Two Years327988
81k9b6jpCalifornia Fruit & Vegetable Intake Calibration Study32171041
8v65765dAsthma in California: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey3212938
1053p5q2The Effects of the Great Recession on Health Insurance: Changes in the Uninsured Population from 2007 to 200931111334
19w5n09tFederal Poverty Guideline Underestimates Costs of Living for Older Persons in California3181526
1gs8r9svImmigration, Health & Work: The Facts Behind the Myths3116933
4nb2h5bgNearly Four Million California Adults Are Victims of Intimate Partner Violence3151493
0hv88801National Native American AIDS Prevention Center Needs Assessment: Focus Groups Series on Young Native Adults and Sexual Health30151221
9f79739jWomen's Health in California: Health Status, Health Behaviors. Health Insurance Coverage and Use of Services Among California Women Ages 18-643015951
0043g9t1Health of California's Adults, Adolescents and Children: Findings from the CHIS 2003 and CHIS 200129101072
0wm191k7American Indians and Behavioral Health Issuesin California:   Implicationsfor Culturally Appropriate Treatment29141122
3cn8b0rzOver 2.2 Million Low-Income California Adults are Food Insecure; 658,000 Suffer Hunger299884
66m5k6jmDiabetes in California: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Study28141211
068757ndPromoting Enrollment of Low Income Health Program Participants in Covered California269152
0qv8c582Sugary Beverage Consumption Among California Children and Adolescents2655106
55d3c6gnHunger In Los Angeles County Affects Over 200,000 Low-Income Adults, Another 560,000 At Risk26101411
5w17p523Food Environments Near Home and School Related to Consumption of Soda and Fast Food2681044
8cs8s8shOne in Three Young Children in California Consumed One or More Sugary Beverages a Day in 2013-14266596
56h9j1xbMigration and Health: Latinos in the United States2591141

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.