UCLA Historical Journal

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
765418ccNarrativizing the Self: Niccolò Machiavelli’s use of Cesare Borgia in The Prince1,6183571,26122.1%
5cf6w44qDavid Harvey. <em>The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization</em>. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1985. xvii + 239 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, and index.4023525087.6%
3ws251npThe Dresden Bombing as Portrayed in German Accounts, East and West3709527525.7%
17h688pfJews, Visigoths, and the Muslim Conquest of Spain3322627078.9%
0538c4ttInterethnic Mayan and Afro-descendent Relations through War, Trade, and Slavery during the Mayan Caste Wars, 1848-19012782126676.3%
5n76j21dBirth of the Cold War2321676572.0%
6n34465r<em>JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. By Herbert S. Parmet. New York: Dial Press, 1983. Pp. vii + 407. Notes, index. $19.95.</em>22732241.3%
7kz776jsTomas Pinpin and the Literate Indio: Tagalog Writing in the Early Spanish Philippines20610610051.5%
0w5606xnRon Chernow. <em>The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance</em>. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990) 812 pp. paperback.1831255868.3%
686115z1Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?1721423082.6%
04n3657dExceptions to the Rule: German Women in Music in the Eighteenth Century165739244.2%
9wd7z439The Ambiguity of the Historical Position of Hindu Women in India: Sita, Draupadi and the Laws of Manu153787551.0%
37g3z9d8The Complex Depiction of Nicias in Thucydides1391172284.2%
0h5760fhRace and Racism: British Responses to Civilian Prison Camps in the Boer War and the Kenya Emergency128874168.0%
7fw385vgThe "Original Conquest" of Oaxaca: Mixtec and Nahua History and Myth125477837.6%
4kq365ncUnited States Diplomacy and the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 19541131310011.5%
8td5v282Linda A. Newson. <em>Indian Survival in Colonial Nicaragua</em>. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 19 8 7.107278025.2%
1zs8m9cd<em>River of Wealth, River of Sorrow: The Central Zaire Basin in the Era of the Slave and Ivory Trade, 1500-1891</em>. By ROBERT W. HARMS. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. xv+227. Maps, illustrations, bibliography, index. $24.00.106149213.2%
3dc544fqClaire Robertson and Iris Berger, eds. Women and Class in Africa. New York: Africana Publishing Company (a division of Holmes and Meier), 1986. 310 pp. Introduction, tables, map, bibliography, and index.106208618.9%
4jk7j88jThe Impact of Empire on the North American Woman Suffrage Movement: Suffrage Racism in an Imperial Context103752872.8%
0xp7x2k7The Roebuck Motion and the Issue of British Recognition of the Confederate States of America102158714.7%
6hm7r0pwBenjamin Davis, Jr., and the American Communist Party: A Study in Race and Politics101307129.7%
70m7r3r8"If you can't join 'em, beat 'em": Julian Schwinger's Conflicts in Physics101782377.2%
86v9q8t5"This is our Holocaust": Deepa Mehta's Earth and the Question of Partition Trauma101653664.4%
3dg0m1cjPersonal Names and Name Giving in the Ancient Near East100594159.0%
9780t1ngParable on Ice: Hockey, Capitalism and American Decadence at the Lake Placid Olympics97207720.6%
00f913xmSan Francisco, 1906: The Law and Citizenship in Disaster95405542.1%
4dd790wrAn Ambivalent Nation: Australian Nationalism and Historical Memory93286530.1%
1937d2kd<em>The Rainbow and the Kings: A History of the Luba Empire to 1891</em>. By THOMAS Q. REEFE. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. 306. Maps, tables, index, bibliography. $24.95.894854.5%
9fm782fqFascist Political Aestheticism: A Vitalist Critique of Walter Benjamin89741583.1%
8kz2w130Prizes in Greek Athletics: Dispelling the Myth of the Amateur Greek Athlete88394944.3%
8pg6b94nKumar Rupesinghe, ed. Conflict Resolution in Uganda. London/Athens, Ohio: James Currey/Ohio University Press, 1989, vii +308 pp.88147415.9%
7z92291mInga Clendinnen. <em>Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570</em>. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. xiii + 245 pp. (Cambridge Latin American Studies, 61)855805.9%
40b573nxRacial Exclusion in the Mendicant Orders from Spain to the Philippines84711384.5%
1fk637b8Reproducing Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro82235928.0%
27r5z20vDemocracy and Discontinuity: Japan's Postwar Constitution82136915.9%
9117s1wtProblems In Historical Research812792.5%
9182k7dq<em>The Spanish Crown and the Defense of the Caribbean, 1535-1585: Precedent, Patrimonialism, and Royal Parsimony</em>. PAUL E. HOFFMAN. Louisiana State University Press, 1980. Pp. xiv + 312. Maps, tables, appendices, glossary, notes, bibliography.815766.2%
9wj7j4khHenning, Joseph M. <em>Outposts of Civilization: Race, Religion, and the Formative Years of American-Japanese Relations</em>. New York: New York University Press, 2000. $50.00 (Hard). 249 pp. ISBN: 081473605X.812792.5%
0cm3w79j<em>Kingsmill Plantations 1619-1800: Archeology of Country Life in Colonial Virginia</em>. By William Kelso. Studies in Historical Archeology. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, Inc., 1984. Pp. xix-236, illustrations, maps, notes, etc.784745.1%
7cc3c1v1Abolishing Wage Slavery in the Gilded Age: The American Labor Movement’s Memory of the Civil War78621679.5%
6hn5994s<em>Unquiet Souls: Fourteenth-Century Saints and Their Religious Milieu</em>. By Richard Kierckhefer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. Pp. viii + 238. Introduction, notes, index.762742.6%
2pq3p45bLetter from the Editors741731.4%
5gn8v60dMatthew Restall. <em>The Maya World: Yucatec Culture and Society, 1550-1850</em>. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.741731.4%
8bm8596c<em>Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe: Documents in Translation</em>. Edited by EDWARD PETERS. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 312. Introduction, commentaries, sources, bibliography. $25.00.731721.4%
09r1q1s2<em>Cotton Fields and Skyscrapers: Southern City and Region, 1607-1980</em>. By DAVID R. GOLDFIELD. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1982; Pp. xiv+ 232. Bibliographical essay, index, illustrations. $20.00.721711.4%
0km6m833Half the Household Was African: Recovering the Histories of Two African Slaves in Iran71343747.9%
8n92d78xResearch as Opportunity: Alrutheus Ambush Taylor, Black Intellectualism, and the Remaking of Reconstruction Historiography, 1893-195468224632.4%
1rv7g42nAlex Zwerdling, <em>Improvised Europeans: American Literary Expatriates and the Siege of London</em>. New York: Basic Books, 1998. xvi, 383 pp. ISBN: 0306812673670670.0%
6q1665g7The Modern Elixir: Medicine as a Consumer Item in the Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Press67402759.7%

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