Working Papers

Parent: Institute for Research on Labor and Employment

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7nh039h1The Stigma of Unemployment: When joblessness leads to being jobless1972117610.7%
5qz0x0whCompensation for Compulsory Land Acquisition in China: to Rebuild Expropriated Farmers’ Long-Term Livelihoods1825312929.1%
14r1s460Transformative Planning for Community Development110317928.2%
20p3h64tDiversity is in the Eye of the Beholder: How Majority and Minority Group Members Define Diversity978898.2%
5xz8p7bkThe Effects of Human Resource Development on Operational and Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies: A Large-Scale, Longitudinal Analysis86493757.0%
66s1j4n4Employment at Will versus Just Cause Dismissal: Applying the Due Process Model of Procedural Justice86305634.9%
0jm096mmWhy Do Robots Rebel? The Labor History of a Cultural Icon85236227.1%
8rn2h9chEconomic Crisis and the Logistics Industry: Financial Insecurity for Warehouse Workers in the Inland Empire77393850.6%
5q75j2ccThe Disruption of Taxi and Limousine Markets by Digital Platform Corporations in Western Europe and the United States: Responses of Business Associations, Labor Unions, and Other Interest Groups69135618.8%
5fj1n4f8Government-led Vocational Training System and its Lessons: In case of South Korea before the IMF Economic Crisis67184926.9%
6bb807jqFinance and Labor: Perspectives on Risk, Inequality, and Democracy64392560.9%
6cw286pvThe Effects of Human Resource Development Investment and Learning Practices on Innovative Performance of Organizations62352756.5%
6w6062g2Moving towards Decent Work. Labour in the Lula government: reflections on recent Brazilian experience61273444.3%
0m96d1fmBeyond the Dreamer Narrative – Undocumented Youth Organizing Against Criminalization and Deportations in California58134522.4%
0455r2rmA Vaccination for Education - The ICDS and the Education of Older Girls in Rural India57243342.1%
7k66f0jnFear and Mistrust: The Relationship Among Japanese American Farmers, Organized Labor, and Future Generations5674912.5%
88h9784nCustomer Service and the Disempowered Client: Business Process Reengineering in a Public Welfare Agency55292652.7%
1wj2t7csWhat Property Tax Limitations Do to Local Finances: A Meta-Analysis5364711.3%
2037d9f7Raw Encounters: Chinese Managers, African Workers and the Politics of Casualization in Africa’s Chinese Enclaves53223141.5%
5n091465Exploring the Effects of Right-to-Work Laws on Private Wages4793819.1%
0rb594s5Labor Relations and the Development of the Aerospace Industry in Mexico46271958.7%
8zm4q6b0Green Shoots in the Labor Market: A Cornucopia of Social Experiments46351176.1%
0hx0126r'Making Visible the Invisible': A Glimpse into the History, Evolution and Current Dynamics of Domestic Work Relationships in Sudan44192543.2%
9b21q5qdLow-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History44103422.7%
9r68v14vWorkforce Diversity in Manufacturing Companies and Organizational Performance: The Role of Status-Relatedness and Internal Processes44291565.9%
4p63p7tsPakistan's Beveridge Curve- an Exploration of Structural Unemployment43202346.5%
4pf948h2Is an Alternative Globalization Possible?43222151.2%
184333nwOccupational Class and the Marriage Premium: Exploring Treatment Mechanisms42281466.7%
1mx8t9rcGlobalization and the Middle Class42261661.9%
3dg9877rTrabajo Cognitivo y Control Sobre el Proceso de Trabajo: La Producción de Software41103124.4%
53b6q84vRadicalism in the Ethnic Market- The Jewish Bakers Union of Los Angeles in the 1920s41122929.3%
0ck918nvDevelopment, Disparity, and Colonial Shocks: Do Endowments Matter?40182245.0%
7wk5m8rzPublic Preschooling and Maternal Labor Force Participation in Rural India.40192147.5%
8b9364pmTemporary Agency Jobs in Japan:  Bad Employment Contracts or Bad Employment Relationships?39152438.5%
0wt3v445Trade unions, inequality, and democracy in the US and Mexico37102727.0%
4cw578fpWhat Property Tax Limitations Do to Local Finances: A Meta-Analysis37241364.9%
7fm329p1Fiscal Decentralization, Rural Industrialization, and Undocumented Labor Mobility in Rual China (1982-87)36211558.3%
8727p3gdDoes “sheep” bring the bad luck? The impacts of education resources on education attainment and earnings in China3682822.2%
4rv06108Domestic and International Causes for the Rise of Pay Inequality: Post Industrialism, Globalization and Labor Market Institutions35142140.0%
42q1792zMatters Settled but Not Resolved: Worker Misclassification in the Rideshare Sector3282425.0%
6k91m7mkAmerica’s biggest low-wage industry: Continuity and change in retail jobs3282425.0%
0q06t127Procedure, Substance, and Power: Collective Litigation and Arbitration of Employment Rights31191261.3%
3xm5f2njAn Introduction to the “Gloves-off” Economy3052516.7%
5d679799Entrepreneurial dreams, harsh realities: Aspirations and mobility in informal and formal retail jobs in Mexico30171356.7%
6w3620jjThe Future of Labor and Employment Law in the United States2932610.3%
6368j4m3Intro the Mainstream? Labor Market Outcomes of Mexican Origin Workers28171160.7%
1bc8f6dcGovernment by (Hot) Checks and (Im) Balances: California's State Budget from the May 2009 Voter Rejection to the Octobr 2010 Budget Deal27161159.3%
1dp4n18kThe Elasticity of Labor Supply to the Firm Over the Business Cycle26141253.8%
1wj7c2tbThe Decline in the Standard Employment Contract: Evidence from Ten Advanced Industrial Countries2571828.0%
2d15z31pStirring the Pot and Adding Some Spice: Workers Education at the University of California, 1921-19622571828.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.