Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6j74k1j3Stemming the Tide of Plastic Marine Litter: A Global Action Agenda76443257.9%
5x83x4w6Los Angeles’s Transit-Oriented Communites Program: Challenges and Opportunities64253939.1%
0qp8j8ngBright Roofs, Big City55322358.2%
073799fzLegal Risks and Timeline Associated with Increasing Surface Water Storage in California41221953.7%
7966p0zrThe California Coastal Commission: Increasing Transparency, Accountability, and Opportunities for Effective Public Participation40211952.5%
55q0110hControlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transport Fuels: The Performance and Prospect of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard38122631.6%
1xq589k9Back in the Fast Lane: How to Speed Public Transit Planning & Construction in California37142337.8%
4mz962b1Tracking Coastal Adaptation: Implementing California's Innovative Sea Level Rise Planning Database36122433.3%
7gk3w35hEnsuring Safe Drinking Water In Los Angeles County’s Small Water Systems36211558.3%
2fm260mpToxics in Consumer Products: California's Green Chemistry Regulations at a Crossroad3052516.7%
34m0j8j6Overcoming Organizational Barriers to Carbon Neutrality: Lessons from the UC Experience2962320.7%
9g1505jfUnder Water28151353.6%
6b71w42hAllocating Under Water: Reforming California's Groundwater Adjudications2332013.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.