UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
42w5j565"Special Solicitude" or "Special Hostility?": Where State Standing in Environmental Litigation Stands 17 Years After Massachusetts V. EPA67147100524
4pp84809Plastic, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and International Misfires at a Cure47410717310193
3n55r2j8The Fight Against Graphite: What Tribal Opposition to a Mine in Alaska Teaches Us about the Importance and Limitations of Consultation in the Green Transition4149023985
62b781kxClimate-Related Displacement and U.S. Refugee Protection32044118158
3k48n1gr"Cultured Meat": Lab-Grown Beef and Regulating the Future Meat Market297631028151
184274wwCan the U.S. Constitution Encompass a Right to a Stable Climate? (Yes, it Can.)29553858671
50p0750kIncome-Graduated Fixed charges, Energy Justice, and the Clean Energy Transition2443591118
2tp07553Addressing Climate Impacts in Alaska Native Tribes: Legal Barriers for Community Relocation due to Thawing Permafrost and Coastal Erosion22354625453
5tf728m4Climate Change and the Vulnerable Occupied Palestinian Territories21946498143
6s40b97pRestorative Energy Justice19935406064
8wq1154nClimate Change Loss and Damage: A Case for Mandatory Cooperation and Contribution under the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)19051493654
4c87g4n1Forever Chemicals in Modern Dinosaurs: Using CERCLA to Force Polluters to Pay for PFAS Contamination of Florida Alligators17835443960
8n089243‘Promising More than It Delivers’?: A Critical Reading of the HRC’s Daniel Billy et al v. Australia (2022) Decision Linking Climate Change and Human Rights17449554327
79k515j0CRISPR's Creatures: Protecting Wildlife in the Age of Genomic Editing16351493330
19121940The Law and Policy of Rainwater harvesting: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, India, and the United States15843374038
2dr8r626In Defence of the Trees: Presenting the Case for Ancient Forest Rights15423345047
9ch3w6skThe Experience of the Montreal Protocol: Particularly Remarkable, and Remarkably Particular15038375025
0b04s26gThe Price of Sovereignty in the Era of Climate Change: The Role of Climate Finance in Guiding Adaptation Choices for Small Island Developing States13627324136
0bf630gkOnly YOU Can Prevent Immigration Detention: Analyzing the Ways Environmental Laws Can Close or Prevent the Opening of Toxic and Dehumanizing Immigration Detention Centers12632472621
8c41d4tjUnderstanding Community Benefits Agreements: Equitable Development, Social Justice and Other Considerations for Developers, Municipalities and Community Organizations12421324823
7095r4dkSmart Growth, New Urbanism and Diversity: Progressive Planning Movements in America and Their Impact on Poor and Minority Ethnic Populations11813305322
391695ktClimate Change in the Bahamas: Using International Norms of the Sea to Slow the Warming of Bahamian Waters11314334719
5d14z9ddFracking in Pueblo and Diné Communities10924333220
3m9045bgSurfacing the Problems with Deep Sea Mining: The Need for a Cautious International Regime10323223127
3368r414The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the Common Law of Groundwater Rights—Finding a Consistent Path Forward for Groundwater Allocation992294325
9kg192nsGlobal Warming: What It Is What Is Controversial About It and What We Might Do in Response to It9819192337
520307qrPurifying Water: Responding to Public Opposition to the Implementation of Direct Potable Reuse in California9117352613
961921nfCERCLA Section 113(h) & RCRA Citizen Suits: To Bar or Not to Bar9121193021
0ph8h7r5Emergence of an International Environmental Criminal Law?9032261418
25w7d11qThe Operationalization of the Principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent: A Duty to Obtain Consent or Simply a Duty to Consult?8113292415
38f03043Front Matter81184518
6f05b7cxWolf Law802172131
94v5w08xAia i Waiʻoli ke Aloha ʻĀina: Re-centering ʻĀina and Indigenous Knowledge for Restorative Environmental Justice7819152816
88f909cqCalifornia's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the Half-Exemption of Owens Valley Groundwater Basin7710192424
86g8p4w5Car-Free Housing Developments: Toward Sustainable Smart Growth and Urban Regeneration Through Car-Free Zoning, Car-Free Redevelopment, Pedestrian Improvement Districts, and New Urbanism746272813
3t01z492CEQA Tribal Cultural Resource Protection: Gaps in the Law and Implementation7015122023
7g98s7f3Enforcing International Climate Change Law in Domestic Courts: A New Trend of Cases for Boosting Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration?6714281510
7h1559tpHeat Waves, Global Warming, and Mitigation6722171315
7vh1m95q"Half Seas Over": The Impact of Sea Level Rise on International Law and Policy6711192611
1kx576dvThe Legal Landscape of America's Landlocked Property6618221412
0ft5n1qrDisastrous Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters: An Environmental Justice Analysis Twenty-Five Years after Warren County658181920
2976c9tqThe Steepest Hurdle in Obtaining a Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit: Complying with EPA's 404 (b)(1) Guidelines' Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative Requirement6511211617
3q08z8tsTable of Contents6416171813
9hz595z1Table of Contents6412182113
4ww198q4Of Natmats, Terrorists, and Toxics: Regulatory Adaptation in a Changing World6213201811
0nv5v4thThe Coastal Property Boundary in California: Recommendations to Improve Determination of the Mean High Tide Line in Light of Sea Level Rise6010161519
3nh7c8ghSubsidizing Solar: The Case for an Environmental Goods and Services Carve-out from the Global Subsidies Regime60242646
11m1m76dWhy Is There No International Forestry Law?: An Examination of International Forestry Regulation, both Public and Private5917121218
4pg4105jEstablishing a Climate-Conscious Bill of Rights for California's Homeless5816131811
5zx443v9Vulnerability and the Climate Change Regime5712151812

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.