UCLA Women's Law Journal

Parent: UCLA School of Law

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
0nt616xpSex: Sexual Orientation, Sex Stereotyping, and Title VII1,151378377239157
31z272j1How Domestic Violence Batterers Use Custody Proceedings in Family Courts to Abuse Victims, and How Courts Can Put a Stop to It601162147126166
37z853brTHE DEVADASI SYSTEM: Temple Prostitution in India50413394106171
3sp664r9Feminism and the (Trans)gender Entrapment of Gender Nonconforming Prisoners4838710771218
5rt282k7Lesbian Pornography: Escaping the Bonds of Sexual Stereotypes and Strengthening Our Ties to One Another278287642132
3721b6tdChild Sexual Abuse: Adult Survivors, Repressed Memories, and Stories Finally Told27360857058
5435b1mjCrimes of War, Crimes of Peace27095525469
6vt8x3jjAin't I a Slave: Slavery Reproductive Abuse, and Reparations24067615953
0np8s4wqThe Texas 'Condom-Rape' Case: Caution Construed as Consent22047695054
0672n904Stalking by Way of The Courts: Tennessee's Abusive Civil Action Law and Why All States Should Adopt a Similar Approach to Abusive Litigation in the Family Law Context21590444041
9861n279The Norplant Solution: Norplant and the Control of African-American Motherhood207284037102
4r4018j9Dominance and Democracy: The Legacy of Woman Suffrage for the Voting Right201163039116
80f938hmComfort Women of World War II19836465264
58x1z0tjMarriage - The Peculiar Institution: An Exploration of Marriage and the Women's Rights Movement in the 19th Century19439534854
3206643cEllison v. Brady: Finally, a Woman's Perspective16637384546
0kp5s7s0You Can and You Should: How Judges Can Apply the Hague Abduction Convention to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence16345483832
83b9f21gThe Harm That Has No Name: Street Harassment, Embodiment, and African American Women16231343166
81j6f9v1Writing about Sexual Harassment: A Guide to the Literature16034573237
39t3c2s9Overturning of <em>Michael M</em>.: Statutory Rape Law becomes Gender-Neutral in California, The15741513530
1nc0642dFeminist Politics - Experience in Parliament15537443341
8gc4h12rEnjokosai in Japan: Rethinking the Dual Image of Prostitutes in Japanese and American Law15530264257
9nh3f6n6We Still Have Not Learned From Anita Hill's Testimony15448292750
2sn2c9hkTo Bedlam and Part Way Back: Anne Sexton, Her Therapy Tapes, and the Meaning of Privacy14939293051
6p54x5qmRole of Misogyny and Homophobia in Prison Sexual Abuse14846383034
38f952g1The Attack on Planned Parenthood: A Historical Analysis14238211667
0nf4x7g7Myth, Stereotype, and the Rape of Black Women13319364038
1xb9v2ftWhat Is Missing from the Rhetoric of Choice - A Feminist Analysis of the Abortion Dilemma in the Context of Sexuality13221333048
86f7r080Pragmatism, Feminist Theory, and the Reconceptualization of Sexual Harassment13018303547
056832j6Women and Nationalism: On the Position of Women in the Nationalist Movements of the Balkan Peninsula12732482621
6sc2w50qSignificant Bits and Pieces: Learning from Fashion Magazines about Violence against Women12113201969
62z1s13jRethinking Battered Woman Syndrome: A Black Feminist Perspective12026311350
11s9x7wsWomen Beyond Bars: A Post-Prison Interview with Jennifer Claypool and Wendy Staggs11830362527
5700v25kWhat Human Rights Law Obscures: Global Sex Trafficking and the Demand for Children11743382412
73t5x0m5Current Use of Battered Woman Syndrome: Institutionalization of Negative Stereotypes about Women11724403122
4vr0d6kxBet You Didn’t Know She Could Get Paid For That: Using Sports Betting and the Right of Publicity To Address the Gender Wage Gap in Professional Sports11627292139
6w65739rIs Justice Best Served Cold?: A Transformative Approach to Revenge Porn10624332128
2c187355The Dignity of Sex10433281231
57j10924"Can You Hear me Now...Good!" Feminism(s), the Public/Private Divide, and Citizens United v. FEC10121212039
0kj7195kPaying the Price for NAFTA: NAFTA's Effect on Women and Children Laborers in Mexico9715211447
6qn5s62qRedrafting the Selective Service Act: Women and the Military Draft9425282615
9hk8f3czIsraeli Democracy, Religion, and the Practice of <em>Halizah</em> in Jewish Law9427262021
14f0z1hrWhat is an "Undue Burden"? The Casey Standard as Applied to Informed Consent Provisions9117282224
370713bcObergefell and the Dignitary Harm of Identity-Based Military Service Exclusion9120322514
9jv0s471Prioritizing Diversity and Autonomy in the Polygamy Legalization Debate9114262724
9b25r7hhThree Generations of Welfare Mothers Are Enough: A Disturbing Return to Eugenics in the Recent "Workfare" Law9024242814
9978v172Gender Differences in Negotiation: Implications for Salary Negotiations8914202233
4b44x0f1The Story of Homa8720152131
6hq9x47fSocial Justice Feminism8418151635
31n7q2sxObstructing Justice: Prisons as Barriers to Medical Care for Pregnant Women8319181828
7jq4p3kfDomestic Violence: The Case for Aggressive Prosecution8115172623

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.