Librarian Publications

Parent: UCLA Library

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
30r7s9nwIntersectionality at the Reference Desk: Lived Experiences of Women of Color Librarians2115515626.1%
39r4c4nfCommunity Collections: Nurturing Student Curators (in Students lead the library : the importance of student contributions to the academic library)79552469.6%
8612j8frHospital and Health System-Level Interventions to Improve Care for Limited English Proficiency Patients: A Systematic Review.66422463.6%
4jc1c4gnUCLA Semantic Web and Linked Data LibGuide62243838.7%
8wj331d3User Engagement - A Matrix Reorganization61154624.6%
65f0622pDigital humanities curriculum support inside the library48133527.1%
7wk3t5w4The Community Workshop Series: A Case Study for Community-Engaged Learning in LIS44133129.5%
14b8q69pSchol Comm For All! Reaching Diverse Populations with a Multipronged Scholarly Communication Outreach Strategy400400.0%
05j228r4Ph.D. Holders in the Academic Library: The CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program381372.6%
10m1q3pcCollaborative research services: a peer-led cohort approach36102627.8%
4md2f11gSome Reflections on Antiracism3472720.6%
7hk6f84gTaking the Carpentry Model to Librarians340340.0%
29t132bjCommentary on the “Cataloguing Code of Ethics”3362718.2%
1sz8c2ncUnburying Treasures: Teaching Archival Methods to Music Students 30131743.3%
2f5081hpLibrary Instruction Workbook: A Self-Directed Course in the Use of UCLA's College Library, 198130121840.0%
3ss1t4xxUnpacking the Meaning of “NACO Lite”30102033.3%
5fp784z1Level Up for Learning: Integrating Video Game Concepts into Information Literacy and Student Engagement Activities28111739.3%
8b71f1ctUCLA Library Occasional Papers: Chicano Library Program2862221.4%
1v46n39kRelieving Libraries’ Culture-Data Tension with a Data Lake250250.0%
2074b7cxThe Social Aspects of Identity Management Work2451920.8%
36b216j3A Pair of Wonderful Mentors, in Retrospect2442016.7%
9z98j4h3Derogatory Term Analysis in University of California’s Catalog200200.0%
751860c0Tipping points: cancelling journals when arXiv access is good enough190190.0%
1xg4m3hzWhat Is Our Place in the Metadata Ecosystem?1431121.4%
2rf0w53bPromoting a Culture of Assessment throughout the UCLA Library Organization140140.0%
31r6d2kqData Lake: Promoting a Mega-Tool for the Assessment Lifecycle130130.0%
35q9j00rPaying for Open: Open Access Subvention Funds at the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries130130.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.