Center for the Humanities

Parent: UC Merced

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8cq5w8b2How to Read an Aztec "Comic": Indigenous Knowledge, Mothers' Bodies, and Tamales in the Pot 73325847535.2%
2bp1j3n3Not a Cancer “Fight”: Centering Latinas’ Metaphors in Breast Cancer Narratives2475918823.9%
0cm2p1g1Thirsty for Change: A Visual Guide to Getting Involved in Water Politics / Sed por Cambio: Una Guía Visual para Involucrarse en la Política del Agua1673713022.2%
76p774spUnruly Women and Failed Patriarchs: Paradoxical Patriarchy in Early Modern England1424010228.2%
48j23609Racial Capitalism: A Dangerous Preexisting Condition for Pandemic Health Inequities in the U.S.132349825.8%
7t71q9grForging Communities in Colonial Alta California -- A Comic126547242.9%
5f69s31cAll Our Relations: Stars, Plants, and Mothers in the Mesoamerican Story of Mayahuel125477837.6%
3s79j064Perilous Telling: On Refugee Story108268224.1%
4d76p54rWhat's soil got to do with climate change?85424349.4%
99c0f8m7No Es una Lucha Contra el Cáncer: Las Metáforas de las Latinas en sus Narrativas del Cáncer de Seno75215428.0%
3nh7b27mMedical Legal Violence69284140.6%
7fg6x224Exclusión de los latinos durante la pandemia de COVID-1967234434.3%
5b14x0t4Attention and the Mind65214432.3%
6s45w14wExcluded From The Safety Net62204232.3%
34d2813nGestures Across the Atlantic51123923.5%
9sj9w14nPray for Rain41162539.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.