The Journal of California Anthropology

Parent: UC Merced Library

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
37r1g44rThe Datura Cult Among the Chumash78462216279.3%
8833s5k5The Names and Locations of Historic Chumash Villages46817829038.0%
8zj4708qPatterns of Chumash Names44032511573.9%
3s34f5ssChumash Placenames1901048654.7%
39t6s0ktSome Coast Miwok Tales1851533282.7%
02r6j5s0Hunting With Ishi - The Last Yana Indian147499833.3%
1bt8j4z3Chemehuevi Religious Beliefs and Practices144509434.7%
1vb2c533The Chumash Revolt of 1824: A Native Account120219917.5%
8829f2mwLatta: <em>Handbook of Yokuts Indians (second edition)</em>119289123.5%
0595h88mAgriculture Among the Paiute of Owens Valley113585551.3%
5sb5h172The Integration of Myth and Ritual in South-Central California: The Northern Complex111159613.5%
8pj9f0xkThe 1870 Ghost Dance and the Methodists: An Unexpected Turn of Events in Round Valley10851034.6%
9918k0k6Lewis: <em>Patterns of Indian Burning in California: Ecology and Ethnohistory</em>107129511.2%
7gb2h4w8Hudson and Underhay: <em>Crystals in the Sky: An Intellectual Odyssey Involving Chumash Astronomy, Cosmology, and Rock Art</em>103287527.2%
0rg7c5vfRitual Management of Salmonid Fish Resources in California101218020.8%
2md1z8zvKashaya Pomo Dances100227822.0%
3s48b3m7Kashaya Pomo Ethnobotanical Project96138313.5%
68k9x90hPortola's 1769 Expedition and Coastal Native Villages of San Diego County96395740.6%
8vg876v9Cultural Diversity In Early Central California: A View from the North Coast Ranges96197719.8%
4r86h79pGeiger and Meighan: <em>As The Padres Saw Them: California Indian Life and Customs as Reported by the Franciscan Missionaries, 1813-1815</em>91118012.1%
6362h81jChumash Canoes of Mission Santa Barbara: the Revolt of 182491226924.2%
7bv6d1mfBiopsychological Aspects of Chumash Rock Art88147415.9%
1qd28483The Painted Rock Site (SBa-502 and SBa-526): Sapaksi, The House of the Sun868789.3%
57x2n8t9Mirror of Our Conscience: Surviving Photographic Images of California Indians Produced Before 186086196722.1%
9xt9g05qHunt: <em>Death Valley: Geology, Ecology, Archaeology</em>826767.3%
5210d8skTemal Wakhish: A Desert Cahuilla Village79205925.3%
96g698f1Wilke: <em>Background to a Prehistory of the Yuha Desert Region</em>786727.7%
6ns970x9Some Observations on Chumash Prehistoric Stone Effigies76116514.5%
7tj8x12zAn Early Account of a Fired Clay Anthropomorphic Figurine from Marine County755706.7%
9zm9w0z6For Sale: California at 47 Cents Per Acre751741.3%
1sr2x936A Half Century of Death Valley Archaeology74314341.9%
584924csInterior Chumash74353947.3%
8025q753Two Chemehuevi Teaching Myths747679.5%
4dx538r7The Chuckwalla: A Death Valley Indian Food73472664.4%
4ks883prKroeber: <em>Yurok Myths</em>7086211.4%
5vk6198mA Material Representation of a Sacred Tradition702682.9%
7qz254p5'The Basket is in the Roots, That's Where it Begins'68284041.2%
31p6w59hHeizer, ed.: <em>Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 5, California</em>67125517.9%
54h401b3Leonard et al., eds: <em>UCLA Archaeological Survey Annual Report, Volume 13</em>675627.5%
6m51x507The Beads of Humaliwo6776010.4%
77q2199bAchumawi Sketches674636.0%
7zv2r661A Correction to Bosak's "Photographs of the Owens Valley Paiute"672653.0%
71v562k0Heizer: <em>A Collection of Ethnographical Articles on the California Indians</em>666609.1%
7p3340qwReply to King662643.0%
5fk0m0hgA Note on Harrington and Kroeber62105216.1%
5qp0d7r9Laird: <em>The Chemehuevis</em>615568.2%
66d004nhMemorial to Rev. Maynard J. Geiger, O.F.M.60283246.7%
7p44g2ggHeizer, Nissen and Castillo: <em>California Indian History: A Classified and Annotated Guide to Source Materials</em>604566.7%
65x2p0ktChemehuevi Myth as Social Commentary585538.6%
6kc6z7zsCook: <em>The Population of California Indians, 1769-1970</em>57193833.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.