Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology

Parent: UC Merced Library

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6qq09790The Digger Indian Stereotype in California67810257615.0%
2dp718q0Boulders to Bifaces: Initial Reduction of Obsidian at Newberry Crater, Oregon627545738.6%
42p65979Recently Discovered Accounts Concerning the "Lone Woman" of San Nicolas Island394223725.6%
73w9h2dpHughes: <em>Diachronic Variability in Obsidian Procurement Patterns in Northeastern California and Southcentral Oregon</em>33043261.2%
4v5249w9Bow Staves Harvested from Juniper Trees by Indians of Nevada1991089154.3%
8xz6j609Honey Lake Maidu Ethnogeography of Lassen County, California1991257462.8%
48z0m0t6An Account of the Discovery of a Whale-Bone House on San Nicolas Island1822116111.5%
91v4b4dnAnderson: <em>Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California's Natural Resources</em>1471133476.9%
5t63g845Indian Names and Naming Practices in the Sierra Nevada Foothills145766952.4%
39z7q5cfThompson: <em>To the American Indian: Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman</em>1444210229.2%
4qr081cmThe Contemporary Use of Psychoactive Mushrooms in Northern California141657646.1%
9rs436xqFryer: <em>Sandspit: A Redwood Northcoast Notebook, Book I</em>139469333.1%
94n052j7Archaeoastronomical Implications of a Northern Chumash Arborglyph132537940.2%
0fd610twTotal Station Mapping: Practical Examples from Alta and Baja California127933473.2%
0fq5j19k&nbsp;A New Look At Some Old Data: The Nisenan Photographs of Alexander W. Chase122437935.2%
5645k98jAchumawi and Atsugewi Fishing Gear120487240.0%
6g135010Genetics, Linguistics, and Prehistoric Migrations: An Analysis of California Indian Mitochondrial DNA Lineages117595850.4%
4ss7106zFell: <em>Saga America</em>113704361.9%
9c16z1bjChávez-García: <em>Negotiating Conquest: Gender and Conquest in California, 1770s to 1880s</em>113536046.9%
4v68n5gkPoint Conception and the Chumash Land of the Dead: Revisions from Harrington's Notes112526046.4%
33n59338Animal Symbolism Among The Numa: Symbolic Analysis of Numic Origin Myths110327829.1%
7zj17572The Mojave River and the Central Mojave Desert: Native Settlement, Travel, and Exchange in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries108674162.0%
17p95410Flaked Stone Basalt Technology in the Northern Sierra Nevada of California107713666.4%
0811514wMixco: <em>Cochimí and Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower California</em>106812576.4%
1tt2c348Solstice Observers and Observatories in Native California103723169.9%
9b23j0ptTataviam Geography and Ethnohistory103455843.7%
958478hgThe San Emigdio Rock Art Site102752773.5%
1rv936jqVegetation Burning by the Chumash99306930.3%
7sb0j0t9The Numic Expansion in Great Basin Oral Tradition99178217.2%
72k1b2q3Change and Persistence: Mission Neophyte Foodways at Selected Colonial Alta California Institutions984944.1%
8pt4v2wkThe Rock Art of <em>Soxtonocmu</em>, an Inland Chumash Village97583959.8%
86x647bsExplorations of Hernando Alarcon in the Lower Colorado River Region, 154096593761.5%
6s42s953Murder, Massacre, and Mayhem on the California Coast, 1814 –1815: Newly Translated Russian American Company Documents Reveal Company Concern Over Violent Clashes95484750.5%
7fk1p7v0Creating Thunder: The Western Rain-Making Process94662870.2%
1w58k2k4Archaeological Evidence for Post-Contact Native Religion: The Chumash Land of the Dead93771682.8%
1gr0p7t5Clovis Technology at the Anzick Site, Montana92553759.8%
3tp1d26tThe Luiseño Girls' Ceremony92553759.8%
79q2833rNotes on Historical Juaneno Villages and Geographical Features91395242.9%
9f75b16wBasin Religion and Theology: A Comparative Study of Power (Puha)91395242.9%
21g9h57vArrow Projectile Point Types as Temporal Types: Evidence from Orange County, California89523758.4%
56v951x2Invoking Occam’s Razor: Experimental Pigment Processing and an Hypothesis Concerning Emigdiano Chumash Rock Art88236526.1%
9z9530pmBorax Lake Pattern Assemblages on the Shasta-Trinity National Forests, North-Central California87375042.5%
13v25048William Hildebrandt, Kelley McGuire, Jerome King, Allika Ruby, and D. Craig Young, with contributions by David Rhode, Jeffrey Rosenthal, Pat Barker, Kaelly Colligan, William Bloomer, Albert Garner, Nathan Stevens, Andrew Ugan, Kimberley Carpenter, Laura Brink, Sharon Waechter, Richard Hughes, Tom Origer, Sharlyn Street, and Wendy Pierce: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Archaeological Investigations along the Ruby Pipeline866807.0%
1z6919vcCowry Shells: Fertility/Fecundity Symbols in Southern Calfiornia Iconography86592768.6%
3d94s04wForaging Behavior of a Contemporary Northern Great Basin Population86473954.7%
99h4b4q7The Influence of Sacred Rock Cairns and Prayer Seats on Modern Klamath and Modoc Religion and World View86335338.4%
9bp329fxA Birdstone and Phallic Pestle Cache from CA-ORA-36585681780.0%
6477q5znHow to Classify the Projectile Points from Monitor Valley, Nevada84384645.2%
9m01d3p2Harvesting Pandora Moth Larvae with the Owens Valley Paiute84384645.2%
7456d7tv&nbsp;Berlin’s Ethnological Museum: The California Indian Collection83473656.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.