UC Museum of Paleontology

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6tm05630Paleobiology Database User Guide Version 1.01,3921,19220085.6%
42d4n02dGeology, microstratigraphy, and paleontology of the lacustrine Truckee Formation diatomite deposits near Hazen, Nevada, USA, with emphasis on fossil stickleback fish29411218238.1%
8v08w2d6The first <em>in situ</em> collection of a mosasaurine from the marine Breien Member of the Hell Creek Formation in south-central North Dakota, USA2934325014.7%
147611bvOldest known marine turtle? A new protostegid from the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia2847920527.8%
6r18f8wn11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts28213215046.8%
0670875mArcoid bivalve biodiversity during Eocene doubthouse cooling: Contrasting the active Cascadia Margin coldspot with the intracratonic Paris Basin hotspot260252359.6%
4990r1hxThe dentition of the extinct megamouth shark, Megachasma applegatei (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae), from southern California, USA, based on geometric morphometrics2413420714.1%
84g0595bThe giant, spike-toothed salmon, <em>Oncorhynchus rastrosus</em> and the “Proto-Tuolumne River” (early Pliocene) of Central California1804213823.3%
7848q4c8The skull of <em>Postosuchus kirkpatricki</em> (Archosauria: Paracrocodyliformes) from the Upper Triassic of the United States1572213514.0%
6p42x1stReconstructing oyster paleocommunity structure over the last 3.6 million years: A southern California case study1522712517.8%
6q35k21sA new aetosaur (Archosauria: Pseudosuchia) from the upper Blue Mesa Member (Adamanian: Early–Mid Norian) of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation, northern Arizona, USA, and a review of the paratypothoracin <em>Tecovasuchus</em> across the southwestern USA143519235.7%
1dv645n5<em>Procerberus</em> (Cimolestidae, Mammalia) from the Latest Cretaceous and Earliest Paleocene of the Northern Western Interior, USA141489334.0%
2c38b585First record of a leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelyidae) from the Mio-Pliocene Purisima Formation of northern California, USA133409330.1%
4xr1s918A Machairodont felid (Mammalia; Carnivora; Felidae) from the latest Hemphillian (Late Miocene/Early Pliocene) Bidahochi Formation, northeastern Arizona1332610719.5%
01w536hsNew dinosauromorph specimens from Petrified Forest National Park and a global biostratigraphic review of Triassic dinosauromorph body fossils132696352.3%
6jk04749Two new plioplatecarpine mosasaurs (Mosasauridae; Plioplatecarpinae) of the genus <em>Ectenosaurus</em> from the Upper Cretaceous of North America1252410119.2%
84d1304fUsing machine learning to classify extant apes and interpret the dental morphology of the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor111397235.1%
6sg3v4gsThe age of the Oso Member, Capistrano Formation, and a review of fossil crocodylians from California110179315.5%
7t50309rChecklist of California Paleogene–Neogene marine Mollusca since Keen and Bentson (1944)109367333.0%
0xv324c8Early Oligocene (Rupelian) fishes (Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes) from the Ashley Formation (Cooper Group) of South Carolina, USA106683864.2%
0bs400v3First record of the megatoothed shark <em>Carcharocles megalodon</em> from the Mio-Pliocene Purisima Formation of Northern California.103356834.0%
2pk1c7dbHerpetocetine (Cetacea: Mysticeti) dentaries from the Upper Miocene Santa Margarita Sandstone of Central California101247723.8%
53v080hxA new Early Pliocene record of the toothless walrus <em>Valenictus</em> (Carnivora, Odobenidae) from the Purisima Formation of Northern California101287327.7%
2vf0k82qA fossil giant tortoise from the Mehrten Formation of Northern California98405840.8%
1gj4j3z2A new immigrant mustelid (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the middle Miocene Temblor Formation of central California957887.4%
4ht19712New insights into Late Triassic dinosauromorph-bearing assemblages from Texas using apomorphy-based identifications95296630.5%
1877k1mzNew proboscidean material from the Siwalik Group of Pakistan with remarks on some species93494452.7%
6106g279Nestling-sized hadrosaurine cranial material from the Hell Creek Formation of northeastern Montana, USA, with an analysis of cranial ontogeny in <em>Edmontosaurus annectens</em>91266528.6%
23r690jkThe first report of <em>Toxochelys latiremis</em> Cope, 1873 (Testudines: Panchelonioidea) from the early Campanian of Alabama, USA90325835.6%
8x7767f8A new drepanosauromorph, <em>Ancistronychus paradoxus</em> n. gen. et sp., from the Chinle Formation of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA86374943.0%
04q5f9crCenozoic Marine Formations of Washington and Oregon: an annotated catalogue83443953.0%
1dd6d638Revision of northeast Pacific Paleogene cypraeoidean gastropods (Mollusca), including recognition of three new species: Implications for paleobiogeographic distribution and faunal turnover83592471.1%
6bb3q574Late Silurian to earliest Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Birch Creek II section, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, U.S.A.82503261.0%
15f034zzThe first records of <em>Sinclairella</em> (Apatemyidae) from the Pacific Northwest, USA81166519.8%
6cm4v7h4A lithornithid (Aves: Palaeognathae) from the Paleocene (Tiffanian) of southern California81295235.8%
5d08883vA methane seep from the deep-marine, late Eocene Keasey Formation, Rock Creek, Columbia County, Oregon77393850.6%
8zf3x8qt2023 Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting: Program with Abstracts77265133.8%
0fh2f5n3Late Eocene (Priabonian) elasmobranchs from the Dry Branch Formation (Barnwell Group) of Aiken County, South Carolina, USA75274836.0%
4j1195hkA new fossil <em>Euspira</em>? (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Naticidae) from the Gubik Formation on the North Slope of Arctic Alaska75433257.3%
8dw67415Insights into cranial morphology and intraspecific variation from a new subadult specimen of the pan-cheloniid turtle <em>Euclastes wielandi</em> Hay, 190873314242.5%
9wq3j155Late Cretaceous chimaeroids (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali) from Alabama, USA72383452.8%
47m7252qPaleogene marine bivalves of the deep-water Keasey Formation in Oregon, Part II: The pteriomorphs70333747.1%
603017mrPaleogene marine bivalves of the deep-water Keasey Formation in Oregon, Part III: The heteroconchs70333747.1%
1935d40dWestern Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists Annual Meeting68422661.8%
7v55c2trThe fauna and chronostratigraphy of the middle Miocene Mascall type area, John Day Basin, Oregon, USA68373154.4%
49c1b8zbAcanthodian fauna from the Early Devonian (Emsian) of Death Valley, California67422562.7%
6zt71586First Cretaceous teleostean otolith assemblage (Arkadelphia Formation, upper Maastrichtian) from Arkansas, USA, early Gadiformes, and the Western Interior Seaway66303645.5%
8p9448w7Fauna and setting of the <em>Adelolophus hutchisoni</em> type locality in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Wahweap Formation of Utah66254137.9%
8z33r6cxNew theropod fossils from the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of Texas, USA, and a brief overview of the Dockum theropod diversity66363054.5%
6z85917cThe earliest North American record of the Antilocapridae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia)65382758.5%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.