UC Observatories

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
0479k8m1Observations of the dynamic turbulence above La Palma using Stereo-SCIDAR7017231911
80j280rvFiltering the interaction matrix in an adaptive optics system656191822
8nb0n5jfProgress report on the ESO 4LGSF62825218
4gr3p2pfAdaptive Optics Program at TMT605281611
2mn1w74zPoint spread function determination for Keck adaptive optics: overview5910162013
015808kcMeasuring Segment Piston with a Dispersed Fringe Sensor on the Giant Magellan Telescope579172110
4s5364qpA Fresnel propagation analysis for SPEED (Segmented Pupil Experiment for Exoplanet Detection)562181323
51x9d368Calibrating the Non-Common Path Aberrations on the MOAO system RAVEN and55130177
5cf394whAdaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 - Program Booklet538151515
16b4h26gUse of Laser Guide Star with Pyramid Wavefront Sensor52681919
93x3m220Non common path aberration correction with non linear WFSs523211315
1qh5b3v0Commissioning ShARCS: the Shane Adaptive optics infraRed Camera-Spectrograph for the Lick Observatory 3-m telescope512241510
20x7p7qbRecent Improvements to the Keck II Laser Guide Star Facility514102314
56v9924zExperimental implementation of a Pyramid WFS: Towards the517191411
7019b6vcAO for MOSAIC, the E-ELT Multiple Object Spectrograph51229128
1367c5xwAnti-aliasing wave-front reconstruction with Shack-Hartmann sensors504181711
6cr4288rPreliminary design of the MICADO calibration unit504102115
8w80k9spAn Integrated MASS/DIMM Monitor Based on a Low-Noise CCD Detector49318199
2cr972ktAligning the LINC-NIRVANA Natural Guide Stars MCAO system48519186
2mq7f7k6OCAM2S: an integral shutter ultrafast and low noise wavefront sensor camera for laser guide stars adaptive optics systems48621156
4jh5c19sLaboratory tests on HeNOS, the MCAO test bench for NFIRAOS48422157
758421jzLaser Pointing Camera: a valuable tool for the LGS-AO operations48818193
3wq362xnAdaptive Optics Point Spread Function Reconstruction at W. M. Keck Observatory in Laser & Natural Guide Star Modes : Final Developments47220178
5n84b2z0Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics at Big Bear Solar Observatory47816158
3416j3cbEffects of reconstruction layer profiles on atmospheric tomography in E-ELT AO systems461161712
7kh262xfSimulations of AO for the E-ELT and its instruments46119188
0bz8t4mvCommissioning of ARGOS at LBT: adaptive optics procedures451171710
3gp3k4kgRetrieving tip-tilt information from Tomographic Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Systems457101810
6317r29bNear-infrared tip-tilt sensing at Keck: System architecture and on-sky performance453131415
8ft440wnOptimizing LGS WFS Pixel Processing in the Context of Evolving Turbulence and Sodium Profile45416178
8x09340mDissecting Star-forming regions with the GeMS MCAO instrument: lessons learned for optimal post-processing of WFAO data44217178
1h5301vqCoupling of WFS with a segmented DM “Test of different concepts: SH, Pyramid, Zernike phase sensor”43220156
7t52h1r1Miniaturized Shack-Hartmann Wavefront-Sensors for ELTs431111129
0gt3876kSPHERE extreme AO system On-sky operation, final performance and future improvements42118158
2mq8n4d4First Results of the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics System ARGOS42219156
5q66922dE-ELT M4 Unit updated design and prototype results42617145
910646qfLow Wind Effect, the main limitation of the SPHERE instrument41781214
2zm625jkSelex infrared sensors for astronomy – present and future3957918
666710ffScience operation of the SOAR Adaptive Module (SAM)3977196
6h92z4q4Development of an ELT XAO testbed using a self referenced Mach-Zehnder wavefront sensor39315165
9q7259nnNon Boltzmann Modeling of Sodium Guidestar Returns and Implications for Guidestar Linewidth39120117
217686nzDesign and Development Status of MKID Integral Field Spectrographs for High Contrast Imaging38571412
42h0n70sImplementation of SLODAR atmospheric turbulence profiling to the ARGOS system38412157
6js4k5m5Commissioning of ARGOS at LBT: adaptive optics procedures38217136
087701qhDevelopment of multi time-step tomographic reconstruction with RAVEN3749186
1k41x51nINO Pyramidal Wavefront Sensor Demonstrator: first closed-loop on-sky operation at Mont-Mégantic Telescope3748187
20s3w2j6Laser guide star adaptive optics at Lick Observatory373111211
3cq132qmPyramid versus Shack-Hartmann: Trade Study Results for the NFIRAOS NGS WFS37291610
4p4339x0State of the art IR cameras for wavefront sensing using e-APD MCT arrays36391410
5gz5j6jmPrecise and deep photometry from the ground: on-sky science performance of MCAO3616146

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.