Department of Education

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
3m68352hBook Review: The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change by Angela McRobbie629219157144109
5kt6s812Adolescent gang involvement: The role of individual, family, peer, and school factors in a multilevel perspective.5062081548559
72m382mkDehumanization of the Black American Female: An American/Hawaiian Experience4311161249893
98g4d1r6Second language acquisition33191837780
3tz160nqFinding Space Beyond Variables: An Analytical Review of Urban Space and Social Inequalities25171854649
5fj9g4xxBook Review: The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women by Jessica Valenti25181883745
9bp6f677A Latent Transition Mixture Model Using the Three-Step Specification21541655455
9bv3f0hpBook Review: Dude, You’re A Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by C.J. Pascoe.19461454444
5xw0x3gcThe impossible charm of Messiaen's <i>Chronochromie</i>15629423847
3bk1q2dqRacial Stratification, Social Consciousness, and the Education of Mexican Americans in Fabens, Texas: A Socio-Historical Case Study13243353123
6gz7q7tzAttitudes toward the LGBT Community in Higher Education11921283832
46d414qqAssociations Between Childhood Peer Victimization and Aggression and Subsequent Victimization and Aggression at College10319322626
99b2p9tgAutomata in extremis : Mauro Lanza's sublime sound machines10317231845
1jq8s81bA.E.CunninghamJ.ZibulskyBook Smart2014Oxford University PressNY9822311926
4hw036wsThe Rumpus8212252421
8w9186zwRichard Steinitz, György Ligeti: Music of the Imagination (London: Faber and Faber, 2003), ISBN 0 571 17631 3 (hb)7921222016
5734n13wChallenges in Classifying Students with Emotional Disturbance: Perspectives of Appraisal Professionals7417201522
3294j8bvBrahms's Poetic Allusions through Hanslick's Critical Lens7312221722
6w42d6p2FCJ-132 Towards a Performative Aesthetics of Interactivity7216151328
7hf4q6w5Asian Americans and Creative Music Legacies6822211015
56c980gfBook Review: Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers by Bernadette Barton6518261110
7q1594xsA Critical Inferno? Hoplit, Hanslick and Liszt's Dante Symphony6421171016
8xz8z27jBook Review: How Does It Feel To Be A Problem? by Moustafa Bayoumi6421121318
03b7k2kmThe Inequitable Treatment of English Learners in California's Public Schools6312271410
2724q6fvAcquisition of L2 Mandarin Chinese tones with learner-created tone visualizations601110930
9s17h6kz"Come Rise to Higher Spheres!" Tradition Transcended in Brahms's Violin Sonata No. 1 in G major, Op. 7857782220
8h87277qBoobs, Boxing, and Bombs: Problematizing the Entertainment of Spike TV56728813
4x8082z1Traumatic Stress, Systemic Oppression, and Resilience in Post-Katrina New Orleans552114119
9xq189kpBook Review: Lydia's Open Door: Inside Mexico's Most Modern Brothel By Patty Kelly541218915
1dk9k9d6Genre as emigre The return of the repressed in Ligeti's Second Quartet5369830
3s27h884"Tone-color, movement, changing harmonic planes: Cognition, Constraints and Conceptual Blends in Modernist Music,"53419525
7064b4mcBook Review: Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen5213161013
9x5026zpReconfiguring Myth and Narrative in Contemporary Opera: Osvaldo Golijov, Kaija Saariaho, John Adams, Tan Dun. By Yayoi Uno Everett52196198
86m528dbCareer Decisionmaking: Perspectives of Low-Income Urban Youth50122477
3567g18kLanguage and culture learning in higher education via telecollaboration49618916
6t08f2m4Interdisciplinary Ways of Knowing: A Collaborative Teacher Education Project for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Rural White America491112917
4wx8q33nGerman Liberalism, Nationalism, and Humanism in Hanslick’s Writings on Brahms47310727
5st9c8c4Give Me Something to Sing About’: intertexuality in Once More With Feeling47210233
3b72d9q2Book Review: Polluted Promises: Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town by Melissa Checker451612611
9n2184wsImprovising in a different clave: Steve Coleman and AfroCuba de Matanzas44410327
0rs0r8fpDialogic action in climate change discussions: An international study of high school students in China, New Zealand, Norway and the United States4349129
11g7m8wcUtopias and Their Discontents: Ligeti's Reception History as Modernist Meta-Narrative4365329
2fp1g1cwThe ‘Other’ of the Exotic: Balinese Music as ‘Grammatical Paradigm’ in the Music of Ligeti411011515
58v5s45t'Composing the Sound itself;’ Secondary Parameters and Structure in the Music of Ligeti407627
8wx964ww'Are you dead, like us?’ The Liminal Status of the Undead in the Music of Ligeti4089518
1m1905vwResearch methods for investigating technology for language and culture learning39211620
7fs5n5hxInitiating a Culturally Responsive Discourse of Same Sex Attraction among African American Males39412815
89p0m2tkBrahms's Ascending Circle: Hölderlin, Schicksalslied and the Process of Recollection38111224
3n77w95wBook Review: Respectably Queer: Diversity Culture in LGBT Activist Organizations By Jane Ward3651579

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.