Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of Sociology

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
29z457nfGeopolitics, History, and International Relations987249632.4%
9c21h2pvGlobalization and the sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein: A critical appraisal836577796.8%
34b5s46wGiovanni Arrighi: Systemic Cycles of Accumulation, Hegemonic Transitions, and the Rise of China2883125710.8%
44j854qcSaskia Sassen and the Sociology of Globalization: A Critical Appraisal2646020422.7%
2r82w1vsSocial influence and opinions2401647668.3%
9950184xA Report from Baghdad: How the Occupation Created Enemies24042361.7%
0d5525kbSocial Cohesion239102294.2%
09n8d4v8Discursive Approaches to Race and Racism2312620511.3%
2q31d9ddPlaces, Faces, and Other Familiar Things: The Cultural Experience of Telenovela Viewing among Latinos in the United States2273619115.9%
9wj0j77zAre French people white?: Towards an understanding of whiteness in Republican France2151466967.9%
4n92c45qIs Religion the Problem?1955414127.7%
7322q2p5From Bhindranwale to Bin Laden: The Rise of Religious Violence1863015616.1%
37x5f93dThe Mythology of Modern Love: Representations of Romance in the 1980s144737150.7%
9g85730fGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites142697348.6%
2dr6q014Multipolar Globalization Emerging Economies and Development129884168.2%
1vt8j05sPredictive models for human–AI nexus in group decision making128319724.2%
3jt467ghConnectivity and Global Studies126982877.8%
56s905bfGlobal Capitalist Crisis and Twenty-First Century Fascism: Beyond the Trump Hype114942082.5%
92287039Popular Culture Forms: Soap Operas108129611.1%
6k95k238The Counterterrorism War Paradigm versus International Humanitarian Law: The Legal Contradictions and Global Consequences of the US “War on Terror”107911685.0%
8bj935pdBarriers to conducting a community mobilization intervention among youth in a rural South African community107149313.1%
7153p2v0Global capitalism and twenty-first century fascism: a UC case study105149113.3%
9175s301Thinking Globally About Religion105446141.9%
43b782xpAging, Fans, and Fandom104406438.5%
44d402xvGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites102802278.4%
0wj872wdTowards a global theory of colorblindness: Comparing colorblind racial ideology in France and the United States95266927.4%
2jh298gpTheoretical Foundations for Centrality Measures91613067.0%
13m0m32qBeyond the Theory of Imperialism: Global Capitalism and the Transnational State89513857.3%
3d59k723Roger Ebert’s Film Criticism87731483.9%
88w2m2mcAs French as Anyone Else: Islam and the North African Second Generation in France87147316.1%
5k99k5mqReligious Terror and Global War8697710.5%
2xv2q5mzCommitment to Work and Family85364942.4%
9x79t5v0Protest Begets Progress, Probably: Human Development Report 2013857788.2%
2cf5w5pxBook Review: Cultural Chauvinism: Intercultural Communication and the Politics of Superiority by Minabere Ibelema83582569.9%
6238s7h2Marx’s Intertwining of Race and Class During the Civil War in the U.S.82552767.1%
5vc9907mRace-class intersections as interactional resources in post- apartheid South Africa79552469.6%
0mf95121Keep Your Fans to Yourself: The Disjuncture between Sport Studies' and Pop Culture Studies' Perspectives on Fandom77651284.4%
2bg8q3sdFadi Lama. Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World77136416.9%
85k9q6vz“THE GREAT RECESSION” OF 2008 AND THE CONTINUING CRISIS: A Global Capitalism Perspective77255232.5%
3615q343Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads Into Male Occupations. Barbara F. Reskin , Patricia A. Roos76373948.7%
0466n3hzChanging Constellations of Southeast Asia From Northeast Asia to China75542172.0%
9xs6h7zjCultural Reception and Production72383452.8%
2pj6n652Group dynamics on multidimensional object threat appraisals71116015.5%
795349pjA test of structural features of granovetter's strength of weak ties theory71551677.5%
8vz8z13bGender-Fluid Geek Girls70353550.0%
0w59m6vjThe Crisis of Global Capitalism: Cyclical, Structural, or Systemic?69383155.1%
2k28n6p9Fromm, Marx, and Humanism69234633.3%
2x88g62hLessons from the Arab Spring690690.0%
6v89q80xOpinion Dynamics and the Evolution of Social Power in Influence Networks69571282.6%
46m964wsThe development of structure in random networks: an analysis of the effects of increasing network density on five measures of structure68313745.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.