Postprints from the Department of Economics, UCSB

Parent: Department of Economics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1nw6459hFather Absence and the Educational Gender Gap2043616817.6%
08c6t2hsAdapting to Climate Change: The Remarkable Decline in the US Temperature-Mortality Relationship over the Twentieth Century95712474.7%
0960h0c7The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Comment91434847.3%
0w64d54dAnatomy of a Slow-Motion Health Insurance Death Spiral6695713.6%
4tc5d9pbOpportunities for advances in climate change economics64531182.8%
7870h7hcTropical Economics61471477.0%
4ns641c4Cost Effectiveness of Open Access Publications55114420.0%
7s40n9fbPopulation genetic structure and ancestry of steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at the extreme southern edge of their range in North America50351570.0%
93v7p7w5Do only tax incentives matter? Labor supply and demand responses to an unusually large and salient tax break47281959.6%
16b4s9j2Temperature and violence44143031.8%
7rd2f6vkConvergence in Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from High Temperatures and Mortality, 1900–20044235783.3%
5404914pContinuous Time and Communication in a Public-goods Experiment2442016.7%
2np6s1ctNew England Cod Collapse and the Climate232218.7%
8b73j38zFortune and identity231224.3%
9zz5v775Less than 2 °C warming by 2100 unlikely2371630.4%
3z78r7k2Geographic Variation in Cesarean Sections in the United States: Trends, Correlates, and Other Interesting Facts220220.0%
40k8998wCan targeted messages reduce COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy? A randomized trial2281436.4%
05q8840nLifting the Burden212199.5%
0jd8k9j5Family Inequality: Diverging Patterns in Marriage, Cohabitation, and Childbearing.2171433.3%
5580c2fsDefensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program2061430.0%
63n5h1xmAccountable Care Organizations in California: Market Forces at Work?2071335.0%
61f2f1hvRevisiting wage, earnings, and hours profiles1921710.5%
0r98p9qjHow much potable water is saved by wastewater recycling? Quasi-experimental evidence from California1861233.3%
25k9k1q6Reducing evasion through self-reporting: Evidence from charitable contributions181175.6%
7gj476msCost-Effectiveness Analysis of Branded Drugs With Market Demand and Insurance171165.9%
8pw4h6vkNonexponential Discounting: A Direct Test And Perhaps A New Puzzle1741323.5%
1dp4d08vCohabitation and the Uneven Retreat from Marriage in the U.S., 1950-2010160160.0%
3j71q35gCan financial incentives help people trying to establish new habits? Experimental evidence with new gym members1641225.0%
6pc1x9r6Causal Inference1651131.3%
70z7h8xqIntergenerational mobility and the political economy of immigration1661037.5%
7nw9x2wmAre changes of organizational form costly? Income shifting and business entry responses to taxes167943.8%
0cd545cqThe College Type: Personality and Educational Inequality1551033.3%
5cg1k3ndCalculation of a Population Externality1541126.7%
8j5744wdYour Place or Mine? On the Residence Choice of Young Couples in Norway1541126.7%
15c208rtEndogenous rewards promote cooperation.141137.1%
67p292swDecision-environment effects on intertemporal financial choices: How relevant are resource-depletion models?140140.0%
3709h1fdSelf-selection into payments for ecosystem services programs1321115.4%
22q8v62mMicro-marketing healthier choices: Effects of personalized ordering suggestions on restaurant purchases124833.3%
5325c8djBCG vaccination in infancy does not protect against COVID-19. Evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden124833.3%
8s63j0j3Personality and Marital Surplus1221016.7%
099703q8Women in Economics: Stalled Progress112918.2%
4b38686sEducational Inequality and the Returns to Skills110110.0%
4bz7894nChoosing Partners: A classroom experiment111109.1%
4nt8m7m8The blue paradox: Preemptive overfishing in marine reserves110110.0%
6qd5b74dVulnerable Boys: Short-term and Long-term Gender Differences in the Impacts of Adolescent Disadvantage.111109.1%
8m54k69fCORRESPONDENCE: Temperature and violence113827.3%
15q4z6xjAgricultural pesticide use and adverse birth outcomes in the San Joaquin Valley of California.101910.0%
5dn8c7hpNash bargaining for log-convex problems104640.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.