2011 International Summer Institute for Modeling in Astrophysics

Parent: International Summer Institute for Modeling in Astrophysics

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
0r71s3v9Detecting the earliest stages of giant planet formation in scattered light49226183
4v42t9t6Planetesimal formation: shear instabilities at the dust-rich mid-plane3717173
7f43z58pDay-night cold traps for TiO in hot Jupiter atmospheres35116135
4707m4sxOhmic dissipation in hot Jupiters2665123
0xc2c5w6Multi-phase turbulent ISM: Theory Confronting Observations257162
7n09f14xImproving the grain growth model in the outer part of circumstellar disks2317105
1kt0k72gConvectively generated zonal jets by thunderstorms on Jupiter2218103
4461g8ghGap formation in transitional and pre-transitional disks: dust filtration in the presence of coagulation and fragmentation.2011063
0bx48606Planetary dynamics in collisional particle disks192872
35s753p6Disk Dynamos in Simulations of Collapsing Cores19982
96m3847fAnalytical studies of fragmentation during gravitational collapse17764
06k8s8bwDestroying resonance between Neptune and its resonant Kuiper Belt Objects by stochastic planetesimal scatterings16682
3p74t14xA simple model for understanding the day-night temperature constrast on Hot Jupiters161663
7m77v9sdCharge exchange in the colliding winds of Hot Jupiters and their host stars161564
3813j8hbAbundance and evolution of gas around Beta Pictoris14572

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